The legal age you have to be to drink
What is 21?
The first European to travel to China
Who is Marco Polo
E =
what is MC sqared?
Meme spelling of monkey (also pronouned Mon-kay)
What is M O N K E?
Your Favorite movie answer in 5 seconds
What is (answers vary)?
Qwerty is a combination of letters present on the......
What is the keyboard?
commonly mistaken for dolphins they have smaller noses and have a different "purpose" (note to question say it like the answer)
What is a Porpoise?
WWE stands for
What is World Wrestling Entertainment? (if your cool walk with Elias counts to)
Finish the lyric Never gonna give you up, never gonna let _____ _______
What is you down?
Japanese cartoons that are stupid and I don't like them!!!!!!
What is Anime?
Holly-woods highest paid actor
Who is Dwayne Johnson (accept The Rock)
The tallest building in the world
What is the Burj Kali fa?
Garfield's favorite food
What is Lasagna?
Name of a frog that started its life on the website called 4-Chan and eventually bled into meme culture across the entire world becoming so popular if there was a mount Rushmore of memes he would be on it
Who is Pepe the Frog? (accept just Pepe)
Movie that has made the most money ever (adjusted to inflation)
What is Avengers Endgame?
President that made the summer slightly shorter
Who is Bill Clinton?
Name of the Religion known to worship a flying spaghetti monster in the sky
What is Pastafarianism?
What is special about the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
What is it contains every letter in the English language?
Small seed shaped food that is commonly eaten in a liquid substance
What is Beans?
Finish the Encanto lyric Seven Foot Frame, Rats ______ ____ _____
What is Along his Back?
Name a number from 1 to 99 that includes a in its word form
What is none it doesn't exist?
Tallest building to ever be proposed was never built but if built would stand at 2.5 miles high
What is the X Speed 4000?
Name of a proposed planet that was thought to have been between the sun and mercury
What is Vulcan?
Ba ba bah ba bah
What is the Dog of Wisdom?
My favorite movie
What is Godzilla vs Kong?