What was the name of the first Queen?
Queen Vashti
What is the area of Persia in the Bible called today?
Haman was Esther's cousin True or False?
False, it was Mordecai.
What bird lays the largest eggs?
How many days did Esther Fast?
Why did King Xerxes (Ahasuerus) get rid of his first wife?
Disobedient - did not come when summoned.
Which country wants Ukraine's land?
Finish this scripture, ' I can do all things ... '
' ... through Christ who strengthens me'
Elephants can jump ( True or False?)
Who said ' If I perish, I perish but I must see the King?'
Why was / is the life of the Jews important?
God's chosen people
Which country has the largest population in the world?
What key 3 things do we need to do to become a Christian / follower of Christ?
Believe, Repent, Receive (expand).
An octopus has 3 hearts (True or False)
Name 3 things that you like about Esther's character.
Obedience, bravery, courage determination etc.
God is mentioned in the story of Esther (True or False)?
What is the capital of India?
New Delhi
King Xerxes (Ahasuerus) ruled what area (Peru, Persia, Poland)?
What colour is a Giraffe's tongue?
What is a sceptre and who used it?
A rod embellished with gold / gems - symbolise a rulers power and authority. King Xerxes
What competition did Esther have to face before being chosen as the next Queen?
A Beauty competition.
What are the names of 3 (out of 5 oceans)?
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Artic & Southern
Which of the Ten commandments did Haman try to break in connection with Mordecai?
The one that says 'You should not Kill'
Which animal can turn its head 270 degrees?
What was the point of Esther fasting?
For God to allow her to see the King, not to be killed by the King, to save the Jews.