On What Japanese City Was The First Atomic Bomb Dropped?
What is the largest artery in the human body?
The aorta
Which fish can inflate itself into a ball as a defence mechanism?
What is the worlds largest island?
What is the name of the battle where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers were severely outnumbered but emerged victorious against the Quraysh?
The Battle of Badr
What does a funambulist walk on?
A tightrope
What is the term for the soft tissue that connects bones to muscles?
What is the only bird that can fly backwards?
What is the only continent without a dessert?
Which famous Islamic scholar is known for his compilation of the Hadiths in the Sahih collection, regarded as one of the most authentic?
Imam Bukhari
What disease can be caused by a lack of Vitamin C?
What is the name of the structure in the human ear that is responsible for hearing?
The cochlea
What is the term for a baby kangaroo?
Which country was the first to give women the right to vote?
New Zealand (1893)
What is the hidden Shirk?
Showing off your good deeds
What was the original name of the search engine "Google"?
Which type of joint allows for the greatest range of motion in the human body, such as in the shoulder and hip?
Ball-and-socket joints
Which animal is known for its ability to regrow lost body parts, such as a tail or limbs?
Which country's flag features a dragon?
The famous Hadith that states “Actions are judged by intentions” is narrated by which companion?
Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RA)
What was banned in Indonesia for “stimulating passion?”
Hula hoops
What is the term for the thin, transparent membrane that covers the eyeball and the inside of the eyelid?
The conjunctiva
Which animal's fingerprints are nearly identical to humans?
Which countries has the most official languages?
Bolivia (37 official languages)
What was the last verse of the Quran to be revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? Which surah can it be found?
Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:3) – "This day I have perfected for you your religion…"