Stupid Things
At the Grocery Store
Life Skills
Name That Place!

People were scratching their heads a few years ago when young people began eating these laundry items in a viral challenge. 

What are tide pods?


The section in the grocery store containing fruits and vegetables is usually labeled with this name. 

What is produce?


"I have a dream," proclaimed this famous civil rights leader in Washington, DC in 1963. 

Who is Martin Luther King, Jr.?


This basic emergency automotive skill is often used as the quintessential example of a "life skill" that you should know.

What is change a tire?


City and Building!

What is the Eiffel Tower in Paris?


Although it was eventually proven in court to actually be served at an unsafe temperature, many people were left chuckling in the 1990s when an elderly woman sued McDonald's after she spilled this hot beverage on herself. 

What is coffee?


This lowest fat content cow's milk is usually the cheapest in the dairy section. 

What is skim?


This man has become known through history for signing his name in enormous print on the Declaration of Independence "so that King George wouldn't need his glasses to read it."

Who is John Hancock?


A loan to purchase a house, usually in 15 or 30 year terms, is called this. 

What is a mortgage?


City and building!

What is the Colosseum in Rome?


Many people have caused themselves a lot of pain on social media when they attempt to eat a large spoonful of this spice in 60 seconds without choking or drinking water. 

What is cinammon?


This brand of flavored rolled tortilla chips was a precursor to (and cheaper than) the now ever-poplular Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

What are Takis?


This blind, deaf, and mute young woman from Alabama became a famous motivational speaker later in life after being taught to effectively communicate by "miracle worker" Annie Sullivan. 

Who is Helen Keller?


Federal and state taxes must be completed and submitted by the 15th day of this month every year. 

What is April?


Building and city!

What is Buckingham Palace in London?


This TV game show host (and frequent subject of parody on SNL) caused a ruckus in 2015 when he accidentally announced the wrong woman as the winner of the Miss Universe pageant... on national TV!

Who is Steve Harvey?


This french-named cut is usually the most expensive cut of beef found in the meat section. 

What is filet mignon?


This infamous serial killer, convicted of killing at least 36 women in the 1970s, recently had two Netflix programs made about him. 

Who is Ted Bundy?


In order to avoid a potential fire hazard, you should clean this material out of your dryer's trap before every load you put in to dry. 

What is lint?


Building only!

What is the Space Needle?


Gus Frerotte, the quarterback of this defunct NFL team, embarrassed himself on national TV in 1997 when for some reason he headbutted a cement wall in celebration of a touchdown... and then was promptly sent to the hospital with a severe concussion. 

Who are the Washington Redskins?


This type of sauce, usually found on top of Eggs Benedict, is made from scratch with egg yolks and lemon juice but is usually found in the grocery store in the spice or baking aisles in powdered form. 

What is hollandaise sauce?


This former five-and-dime store franchise became infamous after one of its locations in Greensboro, NC became the beginning and epicenter of the "sit-in" civil rights movement in the 1960s. 

What is Woolworth's?


In case of a severe cut or bleeding wound, you should know how to tie one of these around a limb to reduce bleeding and possibly save someone's (or your own) life. 

What is a tourniquet?


Building only!

What is the Louvre?
