Rules for Fractions
Common Denominator
Reducing Fractions
Like denominators
What all fractions must have before beginning to add or subtract Bonus Change these fraction problems so they can be answered. 2/5 + 7/9 6/8 - 1/2
1/7 + 3/4
What has the common denominator of 28?
Divide both the numerator and the denominator by the same number
What is reducing a final answer to lowest terms. Bonus: Reduce these fractions to lowest terms. 4/16 24/28
Three ways ratios can be written
What is as a fraction, using the word to, or using a colon Bonus Write these two ratios thre different ways three boys and 12 dogs 17 cars and 72 tires
What is a representation which all measurements are kept in the same proportion as the original Bonus: What is the scale of these situations 4 inches = 2 feet 3 inches = 9 miles
Copy Change Flip
What is the rule for dividing fractions? Demonstrate the rule on your white board. 7/12 / 8/5
2/5 + 3/4
What has a common denominator of 20?
The value of the fraction stays the same making the two fractions equivalent
What is dividing or multiplying both the top number, the numerator and the bottom number, the denominator by the same number. Bonus: Make an equivalent fraction for each of the following fractions. 4/9 6/15
Makes the ratio a true statement 4/5 = x/25
What is 5 Bonus: Make these two ratios true statements 7/5 = x/35 12/60 = x/10
The length of rectangle 1 is 4 and the length of rectangle 2 is 20. The width of rectangle 1 is 5 and the length is unknown.
What is 25 Solve for a and b Triangle 1 Side one = 6, side two 4, side three = a Triangle 2 Side one =b. side two =12, side three=6
When borrowing from a whole number in order to subtract, you must borrow this in what form
What is 1 written with the same number as both the numerator and the denominator. Bonus Answer these questions on your whiteboards 4 - 2 5/8 24 7/12 - 13 11/12
3/14 + 4/7
What has a common denominator of 14?
Improper fraction
What is a fraction with a numerator larger than the denominator ? Bonus: Change these numbers into improper fractions 4 7/9 12 4/5
The price of 2 pair of socks for $7.00 compared to 4 pair of socks for $12.00
What is the best buy Find the best buy for the following situations 4 apples for $.55 or 9 apples for $.85 12 rolls of wrapping paper for $15.00 or 1 roll for $1.25
Fractions, frations, frations
What are the rules that need to be applied to solve proportions. Solve the proportion scale 1/2inch 4 inches = 36 mile
It means the same as flip
What is the inverse of the fraction Bonus Write the inverse of these fractions on your white boards 5/8 6/19
3/8 + 2/3
What has a common denominator of 24?
It must done to have the final answer in lowest terms
What is reduce? Bonus: Reduce these fractions to lowest terms. 26/4 92/8
Cross multiply and then divide by the "x" number
How to find the missing number in a ratio Bonus Find the missing numbers in each ofs these ratios 4/ 21 = 24/X 5/x = 16/25
The place where all the numbers and letters (unknown) must stay for each figure in the problem to form the proportion.
What is together Set up these proportions for the rectagles w= 12 ; l = 16 w= x ; l = 18
If the numerator is larger than the denominator, to get a final answer in lowest terms you need to do this.
What is divide the numerator by the denominator. Bonus Reduce these fractions to lowest terms 24/6 83/8
5/9 - 2/3
What has a common denominator of 9?
Mixed numbers must become these before multiplying or dividing
What are improper fractions Bonus: Change 5 2/7 into an improper fraction
In Algebra, the letter is called a variable and stands in place of it.
What is the unknown number Bonus: What do eah of the letters stand for in these problems 4/9 = 7/X 3/5 = x/30
It is the solution to the problem in fraction form length = 4 ; width = 10 length = 9 width = X
What is 22 1/2 Bonus length = 2 1/2 ; width = 7 length = x ; width = 45