The relative minor of C major
What is A minor
A three note chord
What is a triad?
A cadence usually heard at the end of a section of music
What is a perfect cadence?
A single melodic line
What is a monophonic texture?
A period of composition from 1600-1750
What is the Baroque period?
The number of semitones that you need to count to work out either the relative major or minor of a key?
What are 3 semitones?
The interval in the chord which is either raised or flattened to make a major or minor chord
What is the 3rd?
A cadence which finishes on chord V
What is an imperfect cadence?
A texture when two or more parts copy each other
What is imitation?
A period of composition from 1750-1810
What is the Classical period?
A key with two sharps in the key signature
What is D major or B minor?
A major chord with a minor 7th
What is a dominant 7th chord?
A cadence which is used frequently in church music and sounds like 'Amen'
What is a plagal cadence?
A texture where one part begins and then after a short interval, a second part begins, playing the same material as the previous part and then another part may also begin after another short interval
What is a canon?
A period of composition from 1810-1910
What is the Romantic Period?
The interval raised with an accidental to show that the piece is in a minor key
What is the 7th?
A chord built from minor 3rds
What is a diminished chord?
A cadence which sounds as if it should resolve but then doesn't
What is an interrupted cadence?
A texture with one main melodic line and other parts that support it
What is melody and accompaniment or what is a homophonic texture?
A genre of music from the Southern states of the USA that became popular in the 1890's
What is Blues?
The relative minor of A major
What is F# minor?
A chord where the order of notes has been changed around
What is an inversion?
The extra note that is often added to Chord V in a perfect cadence to make it sound richer.
What is a 7th?
A texture where multiple parts play independently at the same time
What is Polyphony/ Counterpoint?
A style of popular music made famous in the 1950's by artists such as Elvis
What is Rock 'n Roll?