Early History
Early History -II
Early History -III
Modern History
Psychology Today
Wilhelm Wundt
Who is the Father of Psychology?
Based on the belief that psychology should investigate the purpose of consciousness.
What is functionalism?
This theoretical orientation emphasizes the unique qualities of humans, especially their freedom and their potential for personal growth.
What is humanism?
The first applied area of psychology to gain prominence, and, today is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems and disorders.
What is cognitive psychology?
The science that studies behavior and the physiological and cognitive processes that underlie behavior and it is the profession that applies the accumulated knowledge of this science to practical problems.
What is psychology?
Philosophy and physiology
What are the disciplines from which psychology arose?
These are the two Greek roots that were put together to define this discipline, the first meaning "soul" and the next meaning "study of a subject".
What is "psyche" and "logos"?
The two most prominent founders of the humanistic movement.
Who are Abraham Maslow and Carol Rogers?
This world event changed the roles of psychologists so that many academic psychologists were pressed into service as clinicians.
What is World War II?
The six theoretical perspectives in psychology.
What is behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic, cognitive, biological, and evolutionary?
Based on the notion that the task of psychology is to analyze consciousness into its basic elements and investigate how these elements are related.
What is structuralism?
In the early 1900's, this person founded the theoretical orientation based on the premise that scientific psychology should study only observable behavior.
Who is John B. Watson?
This early psychologist gave us this fundamental principle of behavior: Organisms tend to repeat responses that lead to positive outcomes, and they tend not to repeat responses that lead to neutral or negative outcomes.
Who is B.F. Skinner?
The mental processes involved in acquiring knowledge.
What is cognition?
The nine major areas of research in contemporary psychology.
What is developmental, social, educational, health, physiological, experimental, cognitive, psychometrics, and personality?
He attempted to explain personality, motivation, and mental disorders by focusing on unconscious determinants of behavior.
Who is Signumd Freud?
Any overt (observable) response or activity by an organism.
What is behavior?
This early psychologist totally discounted the importance of heredity and believed that behavior is governed entirely by the environment.
Who is John B. Watson?
Advocates of this perspective maintain that much of human and animal behavior can be explained in terms of the bodily structures and biochemical processes that allow organisms to behave. Also, the renewed interest in this represented a return to psychology's heritage.
What is biological psychology?
The second most popular undergraduate major.
What is psychology?
Freud said that this contained thoughts, memories, and desires that are well below the surface of conscious awareness but that nonetheless exert great influence on behavior.
What is the unconscious?
This person concluded that "free will is an illusion" and that people are under the control of their environment.
Whos is B.F. Skinner?
This early psychologist believed that psychology should be a science modeled after fields such as physics and chemistry.
Who is Wilhelm Wundt?
This perspective examines behavioral processes in terms of their adaptive value for members of a species over the course of many generations.
What is evolutionary psychology?
Purposeful, reasoned, goal-directed thinking that involves solving problems, formulating inferences, working with probabilities, and making carefully thought-out decisions.
What is critical thinking?