Personal Hygiene
First Aid
Healthy Life Style
Safe Work Practice

True or False when showering it is ok to just sit under the water without using any shampoo or body wash as the water will do all the work for you.

False, while sitting under the water may feel nice at the time not using any shampoo or body wash will leave most of the grime and dirt on your body and lead to wasted time as you will still be dirty after your done your shower.


First aid is a procedure that once taken ensures that any work injury is safely dealt with.

No, first aid is a means of quickly understanding the situation and helps keep a person stable until EMS or another form of professional medical help arrives on the scene with the proper knowledge and equipment to deal with the situation in the safest way possible.


On average an individual should have a minimum of at least _____ of physical activity a day.

individuals should average at least ONE HOUR of physical activity per day.


when on the job you accidentally cut yourself on a piece of metal, what should you do?

You should stop what you are doing and apply first aid to the wound, once that has been done you should then immediately notify your supervisor of the injury and how it happened. 


What does the acronym P.P.E stand for?

Personal Protective Equipment


True or False, When brushing your teeth you should brush both in the morning and at night for at least 30 seconds each time.

True, it is always a good idea to brush both when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed so the plaque does not build up and damage your teeth. 


What is the purpose of First Aid?

First Aid is used so that further injury does not occur and that current injuries do not get worse while waiting for EMS to arrive. First Aid is a crucial step in saving someone's life! 


Out of the following list which beverage has the most sugar per drink?


1% milk

chocolate milk

Apple Juice

Pop has the most sugar per drink of the list.


While on the job you notice your coworkers ignoring the no smoking sign near one of the gas tanks on the job site. What action do you think would be the right call? 

In this situation it would be best to inform the coworkers that what they are doing is unsafe and goes against the job site rules, and if they persist and continue then you should notify your manager of the safety concerns so that the situation can be dealt with in a safe manner.


When wearing a mask is it important to cover your nose as well as your face?

Yes, when wearing a mask you should always make sure that the mask is covering both your mouth and you nose.


When going to the washroom is it important to wash your hands once you have finished your business?

Yes, it is very important that once you have finished going to the washroom that you wash your hands clean with soap for at least long enough for you to sing your ABC's as this gets all of the harmful germs off of your hands and not anywhere else that people may touch. (Ex. you never want someone who handless food to not wash their hands.)


Does someone preforming first aid need to worry about any potential repercussions to themselves?

No, under the Good Sumaritan Law any individual that has taken it upon themselves to help another ill or injured person will not have to worry about any potential backlash coming back on them. (ex. being sued etc.)


What is the recommended amount of screen time per day?

It is recommended that people only get around 2 hours of screen time per day. 

You are 15 minutes late to work and are rushing to get to your assigned task, during the rush you skip over several mandatory safety checks but manage to get started at the same time as everyone else after they finished their safety checks. Do you believe that this is ok behavior in the present situation? why or why not?

No, this behavior is not tolerated regardless of how late you may be as by skipping the safety check you can put not only yourself but your coworkers in danger. 


True or False, when opening doors or touching objects in public rubber gloves do not help when trying to avoid spreading germs.

False, when trying to reduce the spread of germs rubber gloves can be very useful as they allow for people to still interact with everyday objects without the worry of germs coming into direct contact with the skin and helps keep people from getting sick.

What causes body odor?

Dirt, Sweat, and oil


When looking to apply first aid what are the 4 responsibilities that the first aider must abide by?

The 4 responsibilities are as follows:

1. They must first ask for permission from the victim in order to help. (If the victim is unconscious or unable to communicate it is alright to assume they are willing to receive the help.)

2. They must attempt to protect the victim from further harm.

3. They must try their hardest to maintain the life of the victim.

4. They must comfort the victim (talk to them) while they administer the first aid.


When looking for a mid day snack which of the following would be the healthiest choice?





Apples would be the healthiest choice of the 4 options. While the other options may taste great they are much much worse overall for your body and don't do nearly as much good as an apple would.


When on the job your boss comes up to you and tells you to stop what you are doing and go use some of the heavy machinery to get the job done faster even though you have no experience using any form of heavy machinery. In this situation what would the correct response be?

In this situation declining the use of the heavy machinery would be the right call as operating machinery without any sort of training or experience can be extremely dangerous to both you and any coworkers in the area. 


True or False, If you feel the need or urge to cough you should remove your mask so that you do not cough or spit into your mask.

False, a mask should be worn when coughing as it stops the spread of potentially harmful germs into the air and helps keep infection from spreading.


True or False, when washing your hands you do not need to worry about under your nails as dirt cannot get there.

False, under the nails holds a concentration of dirt, grime and other substances that need to be washed out or it can potentially lead to getting yourself or others sick.


When referring to first aid there are generally 3 action steps to follow

Check, Call, Care

first, check the situation to conclude if first aid is required.

second, call EMS (911) and inform them of the situation as well as the location.

Third, begin applying first aid to the victim and await for the EMS to arrive. 


When dealing with stress one of the most common ways people cope with stress is ______ even though it can be very unhealthy and lead to more stress down the line.

Eating. While eating may be a good way to deal with stress there are plenty of other methods such as walking or tossing a ball that are much better on your health and don't come with the negative repercussions of eating to much.


If you feel that the work presented to you in unsafe do you as a worker have the right to refuse the task assigned/asked of you?

Yes, all workers reserve the right to refuse any work that they see as dangerous and unsafe until the necessary measures are taken to ensure your own personal safety.


When using a mask is it ok to share or lend your mask to others that may or may not have their own?

No, under no circumstance should you or anyone be sharing or lending masks to others as you may be unknowingly spreading harmful germs or may be opening yourself up to a higher risk of infection, even if the other person says that they are clean and healthy as that may not actually be the case.
