Built a telescope with a tube and two lenses.
Refers to the force of attraction existing between two masses.
The framework in which scientists can analyze situations, explain certain phenomena, and answer specific questions in an ordered way.
Scientific Method
Time it takes the Earth to orbit the sun.
Earth year
Glacial Plain
Wrote a 3 volume piece called Principa.
The idea that living organisms can be spontaneously formed from nonliving substances.
Spontaneous Generation
An example that contradicts a conclusion.
What aspect of the moon causes oceans to bulge.
Gravitational Pull
Describes portions of the Earth's crust and mantle.
Developed a process to keep bacteria from spoiling liquids.
Motivated by desire to discover something useful; looking for a better, faster process.
Applied Science
Format for recording data with columns that are vertical (up and down) and the rows are horizontal (across).
Inner most section of the sun.
Accumulated lava from magma pouring out.
Volcanic mountain
First to provide medical care, treating open wounds with moldy bread.
Motivated by curiosity itself; does not matter if the information gained is useful.
Pure Science
This gives information about a graph to assist the person reading it.
Bending of light rays.
First man to walk on the moon.
Neil Armstrong
A systematic study of natural world though observation and experimentation in order to formulate general laws.
Determines how one looks at creation and the universe, how they behave, how they see others, and how they analyze data...
An event caused by sun flares.
Aurora Borealis
Formed when water flows downward due to gravity and sediments settle when there is no more force pushing them along.
Alluvial plain