Number of days buyer has to apply with the lender.
What is 3 days?
The document for managing OSLs.
What is the OSL OneNote?
Types of Prospect Generating Activities.
What is social media?
What are referrals?
What are event sponsorships?
What are realtor calls/texts?
The tool that manages prospects and buyers.
What is D365?
Number of days cash buyers have to submit proof of funds.
What is 5 days?
Number of days buyers have to provide conditional loan approval - need to answer for both inventory and dirt buyers.
What is 15 days - inventory?
What is 30 days -dirt?
The plan that includes Immediate Follow up, Subject Mattter Expert Follow up, Value Added Follow up, Summary Follow up.
What is 90 Day Purposeful Minimum Follow Up Plan?
Template needed to submit to GSM to extend closing date.
What is Closing Delay Template?
Number of days buyer has to complete their final selection of all non-structural options and upgrades.
What is 21 days?
Amount buyer is responsible to pay in the event closing is delayed.
What is $500/business day?
Type of valuable follow up that includes information regarding schools, local sports/amenities/attractions/events, area/community info, PAR, or next steps.
What is Subject Matter Expert?
What are the 4 areas to fill out in D365? (Hint: 4 questions)
What are W5 Notes?
What is SC score?
What are Finance Notes - Min. target price/payment?
What is purposeful follow up?
Number of days in advance closing is scheduled for.
What is 30 days?
The time frame and options buyers have once NOCLA Deficiency letter is sent.
(Hint: 3 questions).
What is 3 days to respond?
What is submit the NOCLA?
What is submit written notice of your election to terminate the Agreement?
(Hint: 4 questions)
What is brokerage office presentation?
What is model home presentation?
What is lunch with 2 or more agents present?
What is coffee with 2 or more agents present?
This template is used to move closings up and must be sent to GSM, ACM, VP Sales, VP Construction, PGP, and PMC Branch Manager.
What is move-up template?
Number of days for a contract to be in pending.
What is 2 days?
Cut-off timeframe to receive Closing Documents from OSL.
What is 2 pm on the business day prior to the scheduled closing date?
Types of Purposeful Next Steps Follow Up with Prospects.
(Hint: 3 questions)
What is schedule follow up appointment?
What is send PAR?
What is work with Agent/Listing Agent to get home listed?
Financing Addendum, Affiliate Incentive Addendum, and JIO must be updated/sent when this occurs.
What is transfer from PMC to OSL?