True or False:
The pilgrims ate turkey at the first Thanksgiving celebration at Plymouth Rock
False, many foods were served during the three day feast, such as: venison, duck, goose, seafood, eels, white bread, corn bread, leeks, various other greens, dried berries and wine! Turkey was not one of them.
How far can a kangaroo jump?
Large kangaroos cover more than 30 feet with each jump.
The Great Gatsby was written by which author?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
What is the first element in the periodic table?
7: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
When and where was the greatest earthquake in American History?
The Great Alaskan Earthquake on March 28th, 1964. the epicenter was near Anchorage and measured 9.2 on the Richter scale. This is the second highest magnitude ever recorded, behind a 9.5 earthquake in Chile.
What is the world's largest rodent?
Capybara, native to South America. usually around three to four feet, and can weigh up to 174 pounds!
How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?
How far away is the sun from earth?
93 million miles
How many members are there in the U.S. Senate?
How many Liberty Bells have there been?
True or false: do bulls charge when they see red?
No! Bulls do not charge because a cape is red. They charge because of the movement of the cape. It doesn't have to be red or any other color.
What was Saki's real name?
Hector Hugh Munro
How old is the moon?
4.72 billion years (soil dated)
What is the longest river?
The Nile River
Who designed the American flag?
While many believe it was designed by Betsy Ross, Francis Hopkins designed it. He was a naval flag designer, and was never reimbursed for his services by the U.S. government.
What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?
The alligator is a subspecies of the crocodile. The alligators snout is rounded while the Crocodiles comes to a point. The crocodile is generally more aggressive.
How many Canterbury Tales are there?
What makes noble gases noble?
The lack of chemical reactivity in the inert gasses. There are six: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon
The Sears Tower in Chicago, 1,454 feet, 110 stories
What was the first minimum wage?
25 cents per hour, instituted in 1938
Can any creatures besides humans get a sunburn?
Only pigs
What was the first American novel?
"The Power of Sympathy" by William Hill Brown, published in 1789.
What is the earliest era of geological time?
Precambrian age, which began when the earth's crust formed, 4.6 billion years ago. It ended with the dawn of the Cambrian period, 570 million years ago.
What is the rank of hands in poker, from highest to lowest?
Royal flush, Straight flush, Four of a kind, Full house, Flush, Straight, Three of a kind, two pairs, one pair, High card (No pair)
How many females have appeared on U.S. currency?
Three: Martha Washington, Pocahontas, and Susan B.Anthony
What do you call a group of cats?
A clutter/chowder of cats
Who was the first woman to win a Pulitzer Prize for fiction?
Edith Wharton: "The Age of Innocence," about New York high society during the 1870s
What is a cosmic year, and how long is it?
The length of time it takes the sun to complete one revolution around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, about 225 million earth years. The sun is between 20 and 21 cosmic years old.
What is the windiest city in the United States?
Great Falls, Montana, with a wind speed of 13.1 miles per hour.
How much was Manhattan bought from the Native Americans?
Peter Minuit gave the Native American tribe a package of trinkets and cloth, valued at 60 guilders, roughly equivalent to $24
Do fish sleep?
Most do not, they are constantly in motion, however, some fish in coral reefs sleep by leaning on rocks or standing on their tails.
In what Shakespeare play does a character "Exit, pursued by a bear"
The Winter's Tale, Act III, scene 3. He doesn't make it...
What is the different between brass and bronze?
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Bronze is a more durable mixture of copper and tin.
What were the seven wonders of the world and do any of them still exist?
1. Pyramids of Egypt
2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
3. Statue of Zeus at Olympia
4. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
5. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
6. The Colossus Rhodes
7. The Pharos (Lighthouse) at Alexandria
When was the U.S Navy Established?
An American "Continental Navy" was established by the Second Continental Congress on October 13th, 1775. however, it was disbanded after the War for Independence in 1784. The first U.S. Navy was not established until April 30th, 1798
What is the most common species of domesticated bird?
Chicken, about 3.5 billion in the world
What is the book written without using the letter "E"
How does quicksand work?
Not by pulling you down. Quicksand is nearly always found above a spring, which creates a supersaturated condition that makes the sand frictionless and unable to support weight. Quicksand is also airless, which creates suction as you struggle to get free. The most effective way to escape is to position yourself on top of it and "roll" out of it
What were the last words of a Christmas Carol?
"And so, as Tiny Tim observed, 'God Bless us, Every One!"