How old am I?
27 years old
How many inhabitants are there in La Puebla del Río?
Around 11000.
When pigs fly
This idiom is used to describe something that is unlikely to happen.
The builder makes houses.
Houses are made by the builder.
Take place
Tener lugar
Where am I from?
Olvera (Cádiz)
How is the famous statue in the roundabout called?
Alfonso X
To drink like a fish
To describe someone who drinks a lot of alcohol.
Luisa took an English exam.
An English exam was taken by Luisa.
Get around
How many brothers and sisters do I have?
I have two brothers
How is the mayor called?
Lola Prósper
To have Van Gogh’s ear for music
To describe someone who has no musical talent.
What is the past participle of the verb leave?
Leave Left Left
Set up
What did I study? English Studies or Translation and Interpretation?
What are the colors of its flag?
Blue and red
Put a sock in it
To tell someone to be quiet
Deal with
Ocuparse de / Lidiar con
Where did I study?
In Granada
Altitud of La Puebla del Río
20 meters
The elephant in the room
To describe an obvious problem that people are ignoring.
Transform the passive into active: Felipe will make the birthday cake.
The birthday cake will be made by Felipe.
Run out of
Quedarse sin