In translating, realia refers to ...
The term realia refers to a local word or phrase that does not translate because there is no obvious equivalent in the target language – and there are several strategies for handling them
Fill in the gap:
Translating realia requires the translator to have a deep linguistic knowledge as well as an awareness of the ... of the nation of target language
To translate the realia in a correct way which factors should we take into account?
-the type of the text,
- the meaning of the realia in the text,
- the type of the realia and its systematic role in the culture of the source language,
-the degree of perception of the unusual word-collocations.
What kind of ways do you know to handle realia or troublesome idioms while translating?
2. Explanation
3. Equivalency
What is transliteration in translating realia
Transliteration is to simply copy the realia exactly as it appears, perhaps with an explanatory note. This can suffice, although it’s not the best solution as it pushes the work off onto the reader
What is explanation in translating realia?
Explanation is trying to create an explanatory translation that maintains the overall structure of the speech while getting the point across. This is often clumsy.
The best way to translate proper names, geographical nominations is ...
Transliteration(e.g. Charles Darwin- Charles Darvin, Paris-Parij)
What is equivalency in translating realia?
Equivalency is trying to find something similar in the target language.
Translate this sentence into English:
Birpasdan keyin qaddimni rostlab, tanchaga oyog‘imni tiqib o‘tirdim. Hoji buvi allaqanday taxir suyuqlik ichirdi.
After a while, I stretched my legs to the ‘tancha.’ Hoji buvi made me drink something strange bitter liquid
Translate this sentence into English:
Nima uchundir onam tez-tez tolqon qilardi. Sababini keyin tushunganman. Non ko‘pligi uchun emas, kamligi uchun tolqon qilisharkan.
I wander why my mom often prepared tolqon. Later, I realized the reason of preparing it. I found out that my parents could not supply members of our family with bread.