How do you get obsidian to drop?
mine it with a diamond pickaxe.
What is the first boss you encounter after the tutorial?
Tree sentinel
What is the first line you hear in the game?
"hey you, your finally awake"
how does super mario break blocks when he jumps?
his fist
How do you win minecraft?
How many games has patches been in?
(Armored Core: For Answer, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring)
What follower is given to you upon becoming Thane of whiterun?
What is the most common collected item in the Sonic games?
What item allows the player to look at an Endermans' face?
Carved pumpkin.
What talisman is dropped by the "commoner" in the Capital outskirts?
Viridian Amber Medallion +1
What continent is Skyrim part of?
Which popular fast food chain has made a free dating simulator game.
its wool changes into a rainbow
What is the Daedric quest item that has a random chance to spawn anywhere after reaching a certain level?
Meridias beacon
What is the cure for zombie villagers?
Golden apple when they have the weakness effect
What does Malikeths name mean?
"Death of the Demigods."
What is Ulfric Stormcloaks secret in the civil war?
He is an unwilling Thalmor agent (source, his dossier in the thalmor embassy)