Major Events
Meaning of Words
Hodge Podge
I was just barely out of diapers when Johnny Carson took over The Tonight Show from Jack Parr.
What is Baby Boomers (October 1, 1962)
I was a freshman political science major when the Berlin Wall came down?
What is Generation X-November 9, 1989
Crowded? I can tell you abut crowded. The Catholic schools in my neighborhood sometimes had 60 in a class!
What is Baby Boomers-population explosion of the ‘50s and ‘60s overwhelmed school systems and colleges
I got the greatest album ever for my 13th birthday; Michael Jackson’s Thriller.
What is Generation X-December 1, 1982
Pay your dues, make the needed sacrifices to make things work! Be loyal to your company and your company will be loyal to you!
What is Matures-loyalty and duty are hallmark words for this generation. They put faith in establishments and believe in sticking with them
I remember going to see Star Wars with my older brother when I was in elementary school. At the time I thought there would never be another movie with special effects like that!
What is Generation X-1977
I was 17 when Geraldine Ferraro because the first woman to run for Vice President of the U.S.
What is Generation X
I don’t think there are many “Heroes” anymore. Sure there are people that are rich and famous, but not many heroes.
What is Generation X-tend to be more skeptical and cynical. When surveyed, they were the only generation to have many people state that they had no shared generational heroes.
My mom and dad think this new music called Rap won’t last. I don’t either, but I’d never tell them that!
What is Generation X and Boomers-This style of music came into existence in the US during the mid 1970s and became a large part of modern pop culutre during the 1980s
It was the bicentennial of the USA! We packed up the dag and the van and took off cross-country with no particular route and hardly a dollar to our names.
What is Baby Boomers
On my first date, we went to see a new movie called Gone With the Wind. It was pretty good, but gosh, it was 4 hours long!
What is Matures-Released in 1939 GWTW has been called “The most significant movie ever!”
I was out of school for the summer. My parents and I watched Walter Cronkite cry as he announced that Neil Armstrong was walking on the moon. I’ll never forget it!
What is Baby Boomers-July 20, 1969
When I was a kid the Battle of the Bulge was not a book about how to lose weight.
What is Baby Boomers -this battle occurred during WWII and was one of the most significant battles in world history. Over 1 million troops fought.
When I was a teenager Sun Records introduced the world to all of my favorite recording artists.
What is Baby Boomers Record label based in Memphis, Tennessee and started on March 27, 1952. Known for giving notable musicians such as Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Johnny Cash their first recording contracts and helping to launch their careers.
Morning routine: Newspaper and coffee! It’s hard to beat the newspaper for getting the latest information and coffee works for me any time of the day.
What is Matures-the newspaper has always been a primary source of information for the Matures. Coffee, the drink of choice during their formative years, remains a favorite.