Temporary Jobs
Cost of College
Changes in the Labor Market
Government's Role
Benefits of College to Millennials

According to Korzeniowski, for lower costs by elimination of benefits such as 401k, health care, reduced overhead and lower real estate costs businesses prefer these types of jobs. 

What are temporary or gig jobs?


According to Maldonado, the largest non-mortgage debt is now at 1.4 trillion dollars. 

What is student loans?


According to Levenson, high school graduates' labor market options have what for over a generation as their wages did not keep up with inflation over the past four decades. Even those who attended Community College or a 4 year college but do not graduate typically have much more limited labor market options than those with a bachelors degree. 

What is shrinking?


According to Piecrce and Schott, there is a link between a plunging 18% loss in manufacturing emplyment and the U.S. granting of Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR).

Who is China?


According to Carnevale, Jayasundera, and Gulish, 99% of jobs added after the recession bottomed out have gone to those with at least whom, while 75% have gone to those holding a bachelor's degree or higher.

Who is those holding some college education or higher?


According to Korzeniowski, some people prefer temporary or gig jobs because of benefits compared to a set salaried work schedule with lower raises and more fixed income. 

What is greater flexibility?


According to Maldonado, graduated with this amount of debt which is virtually impossible today.

What is little or no debt?


According to Levenson, starting in the 1990's and 2000's the first international competition that put pressure on wages and job security of more highly educated workers. Companies ability to gain the upper hand in wage setting should not be underestimated. The internet has led many knowledge-based jobs to what.

What is migrate to low cost locations overseas?


According to Piecrce and Schott, firms reacted to the governmental change of PNTR with China with these investments.

What is irreversible investments?


According to Carnevale, Jayasundera, and Gulish, jobs requiring high school or less lost 5.6 million jobs during the what and have only recovered 80 thousand jobs forcing many to settle for low-skill, low-wage jobs.

What is the great recession? 


According to Korzeniowski, temporary workers feel like second class citizens. They do not receive the same amount of training or able to benefit how full time permanent staff due when the company is shut down for a day. Businesses suffer higher soft costs from what. 

What is high turnover?


According to Maldonado, the average student in 2016 paid $26,120 per year for and average of $104,480 to attend this type of college?

What is a four year institution?


According to Levenson, temporary employees represent about 7% of all workers, but are heavily represented in construction, management, and professional occupations. There is not enough data to know for sure when independent contractors became more prevalent, however it is pretty safe to conclude that this is a relatively recent phenomenon that was not as what a few decades ago when the baby boomers were new entrants to the labor market. 

What is common?


According to Piecrce and Schott, with China joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the reforms in treatment of foreign investment may have reduced the fixed and variable costs associated with offshoring, providing U.S. firms with a what incentive to relocate some or all of their production to China.  

What is greater incentive?


According to Carnevale, Jayasundera, and Gulish, for the first time workers with what make up a larger proportion of the workforce at 36% than workers with a high school diploma or less at 34%. 

what is a bachelor's degree or higher?


According to Korzeniowski, temporary jobs are used to gain valuable experience and to lead to a full time position. Temporary jobs are.

What is a first stepping stone into an industry?


According to Maldonado, sense 1989 college costs increase by 2.6% per year, College cost this amount more in 2016. 

What is double?


According to Levenson, in recent years, companies have aggressively moved to outsource large segments of knowledge work, such as lower-level jobs. The challenge for millennial generation is that many of these jobs traditionally were the what on the professional job ladder. 

What is entry point?


According to Piecrce and Schott, industries with higher NTR gaps experience larger employment declines, along with disproportionate what in U.S. imports from china, the number of U.S. firms importing China, the number of Chinese firm exporting to the United States, and the number of U.S.-China importer-exporter pairs. 

What is increases? 


According to Carnevale, Jayasundera, and Gulish, even in declining production industries, which had a workers with a bachelor's degree of higher grow by 70% while the industry total employment fell by 32% showed what coming in a microcosm. 

What is a long incremental shift?


According to Korzeniowski, the average worker in the gig economy is making less than $500 lending the industry as a job unlikely to replace traditional careers. 

What is side work?


According to Maldonado, sense 1989 wage growth has grown at 0.3% per year compared to the cost of college increasing at 2.6% per year which is this many times faster. 

What is 8 times?


According to Levenson, the wage gap in the same profession has what. The link of following the career path of those who came before them is no longer a guarantee of the same level of success.  

What is increased?


According to Piecrce and Schott, P m∆Eim,t:t+d/Eit = ∆Ei,t:t+d/Eit illuminates the joblessness of the 2001 recovery in manufacturing. The recovery coincides with a what in job creation rates and an increase in job destruction rate in the manufacturing sector starting in the late 1990's

What is decline?


According to Carnevale, Jayasundera, and Gulish, low skilled blue and white collar jobs have not recovered from the recession with 1.6 million construction, 1 million manufacturing and 1.4 million office and admin support jobs lost. These pathways are increasingly closing down, leaving few opportunities to access what without a post-secondary education. 

What is a middle class life?
