This generation was terrified of...
Seen as similar to this generation
Boomer Generation
The year that Generation Z begins.
After the WWII, this generation became a ____ country
This generation created a ____ work environment
Millennials want to make a difference in the world: true or false
Generation with the second greatest amount of birth rates.
Millennial Generation
The amount of people born in this generation.
77 million
Another name for this generation is...
"The forgotten generation"
This is the most (educated/consumerist) generation
Generation in which the most amount of their parents divorced
Generation X
The thing the Boomer Generation began focusing on more
Their Children
This generation had the most amount of...
This generation prefers (the journey/the results) of any project
The results
The Generation known for popularizing memes.
Millennial Generation
A president during this generation
Harry Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson
This generation is described as...
Flexible and Skeptical
The Vietnam War began during this generation.
Boomer Generation