What tree was Adam supposed to not eat from?
Tree of knowledge of good and evil (2:17)
Who was the firstborn of Adam and Eve?
Cain (4:1)
What did God do to the people at the Tower of Babel?
Confused their languages (11:7)
Where did Abram go to live because of a famine in the land?
Egypt (12:10)
Who was Abram's wife?
Sarai (16:1)
Besides death, what was the punishment for eating of the tree (100pts for each man & woman)?
Woman: more pain in childbearing (3:16)
Man: thorns and thistles in the fields he will work (3:17-19)
How old was Methuselah when he died?
969 (5:27)
Names the sons of Noah
Shem, Ham, Japheth (10:1)
How many men did Abram rally up to rescue his nephew Lot?
318 (14:14)
What did Sarah do when she was told she would have a child?
Laughed (18:12-15)
What was made on the 5th day?
Fish & Fowl (1:20-23)
Adam fathered a son in his own likeness. Which son was it? (bonus 100 points: how old was Adam when he had him?)
Seth / 130yrs old (5:3)
150 days (8:3)
God tells Abram that he will have many offspring. He compared it to what?
Dust of the earth (13:16)
Also called stars of heaven & sand on the seashore (22:17)
How old was Sarai when she had her child? (100 bonus points: how old was Abraham?)
90 (17:17) / 99 (17:24)
What day did God create the Seas (bonus pts. what also was made)?
3rd day / vegetation (1:9)
How many of each clean and unclean animals was Noah supposed to take on the ark? (200 points each)
Unclean: 1 pair
Clean: 7 pairs (7:2)
Which descendant’s line got cursed?
Ham (Gen 9:22-25)
Between which two rivers did God give Abram's offspring? (200pts each)
River of Egypt to the great river, Euphrates (15:18)
Abraham pleaded to God to not destroy Sodom. How many people did he initially make a deal with to try to find and what number did get down to? (200pts each)
50 (18:24) / 10 (18:32)
What were the name of the four rivers that flowed out of Eden? (100pts each - bonus 100 if you get ALL of them)
Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, Euphrates (2:10-14)
What was the size of Noah's ark in cubits (length / width / height)?
Bonus 100pts: how many decks did it have?
300 cubits long / 50 cubits wide / 30 cubits high / 3 decks (6:15-16)
How long did Noah live after the flood (100 bonus points: what was his total age)?
350 / 950 (9:28)
What percentage of possessions did Abram give Melchizedek?
10% (14:20)
How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?
86 (16:16)