What did God create on day one?
What did God call light?
Dust of the ground
What did God create on day five?
What did God call darkness?
Why did God put Adam to sleep?
Because He made Eve
How many rivers flowed from Eden?
The birds
What did God create on day three?
Earth, seas, plants.
What did God call the heaven?
Why did God bless the seventh day?
Because He rested
Why did God make a helper for man?
Did God make a helper for Adam before or after he named the animals?
What did God create on day six?
Every living creature, man.
What did God call the dry land and the waters?
Why did God make the lights/stars?
For signs and seasons
What did God use to make a woman?
A rib taken from a man.
Did Adam and Eve hide from God before or after they ate of the fruit?
What did God create on day two?
Why was woman called woman?
Why did God make two great lights? And what are they?
To rule the day and to rule the night. Sun and moon.
True or false? The serpent was more cunning than any beast of the garden?
False. Than any beast of the field.
Who did God address first and in what order?
Adam, Eve, serpent