From which tree was Adam and Eve not to eat?
The tree of Knowledge of good and evil.
How many of each of the clean animals came into the ark?
Abram said that his wife Sarai was really his ___ in Genesis 12?
Who did Jacob marry first?
I was sold for 20 pieces of silver
What was the name of the son of Adam and Eve who was given to replace Abel?
How many times was the dove sent out of the ark?
3 times
What test did God give Abraham on the mountain?
Sacrifice Isaac
Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him?
And when his brothers saw that their father LOVED HIM MORE than any of his brothers, they HATED HIM
Why did Joseph prosper in Egypt?
God was with him.
What was Cain’s question back to God when God asked where Abel was?
"I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?"
What is the name of the city where God confused the languages?
What was the name of the city where Lot moved to after separating from Abram/Abraham?
Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent toward Sodom.
Which of Jacob's wives is Joseph's true mother?
Where did Jacobs family settle in Egypt?
In Gen. chapter 3, God makes promises to Adam and Eve. What promise does God make concerning mankind and the snake?
3:15. He shall crush the serpents head and the serpent shall bruise or strike his heal
What mountain did the ark settle on?
mt Ararat
God provided what kind of animal in place of Isaac when Abraham was asked to offer his son as a sacrifice?
And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a RAM caught in a thicket by his horns
Which of the two dreamers in prison with Joseph was executed?
The chief Baker
We were sold to Jacob for 14 years of service.
Leah and Rachel
What was created on each of the seven days of creation (in order)?`
Day 1 = Light Day 2= Heaven/sky Day 3 = Dry land and plants Day 4 = Sun moon stars Day 5 = Sea and flying creatures Day 6 = Land animals and human beings. Day 7 = God Rested
Who was Abram’s father?
What was the name of the wife that Abraham found for his son Isaac?
What was the name of Jacob and Leah’s daughter?
What was Joseph’s 2 dreams he had?
11 Wheat bowing to him
11 stars and sun and moon bowing to him