On what day was light created
what is the 1st day
The day on which ELOHIYM filled the seas with living creatures
What is Day Five
On the seventh day
He rested
What is Monotheism and Polytheism
What is
The Belief in one ELOHIYM (GOD)
and the belief in many gods
The Most High changed the language of the people at this tower
What is
On what day was vegetation created
What is Day Three
What did The Most High tell the waters to bring forth.
What is
living creature, and fowl of the air
Who or what is the only part of creation created in YAHUAH'S image
What is Man
What where Noah's Sons names
What is
Shem, Ham, Japheth
Cush's son, began the paganism, and the birth of the occult,
Who is Nimrod
Did ELOHIYM create the Sun on day 1?
No he said let their be light, the sun came later
These were given as signs for seasons, days and years.
What is
The sun, moon, and stars
What did The Most High tell man
What is
Be fruitful and multiply
Queen of Babylon
Which son of Noah's do the Israelites, come from.
The expanse created when ELOHIYM separated the waters from above from the waters below
What is the firmament
What was considered a day
What is
The evening and the morning
How did YAHUAH create
He said
The false belief in the mother god, father god and son of god is
What is
ELOHIYM formed Adam from ?
ELOHIYM formed Eve from ?
What is
Dust and Rib
Let the earth bring forth grass,
and the
What is
the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit
The greater and lesser light were to
What is
Rule over the day and night
ELOHIYM commanded man to be.....
"fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it"
According to the video what pagan holidays are unknowingly/knowingly celebrated today
Tammuz was born on the
and was killed by a
what is
winter solstice