a collection of many books and writings that form one big story
What is the Bible
What is the first book of the bible
What is the movie about Moses
What is what was created on the first day of creation
In the beginning God created Heaven and the Earth
What is Genesis 1:1
What is the number of books in the bible
What is the author of Genesis
His sister Miriam
What is the person to watch Moses while he was in the river
The Land and Plants
What is what was created on the third day of creation
Formless and Empty
What is how God described the earth in verse 2
Over 40 people
What is the authors of the bible
What is the person who confirmed Moses was the author of Genesis
Pharaoh's Daughter
What is the person to adopt Moses
Flying Animals and Sea Animals
What is what was created on the 5th day of creation
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.
What is 2 Timothy 3:16
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth
What is the first sentence in the bible?
What is the topic of the first chapter in Genesis
What is the group of people Moses led out of Slavery
The Sky and Sea
What is what was created on the 2nd day of creation
The first 5 chapters in the bible
What is the book of law?
The Old and New Testament
What is the 2 parts of the bible
What is the book of the bible after Genesis
40 years
Heaven and Earth
What was made, not created in the beginning
What is the last word in the bible