This is Abraham's Nephew.
Who is Lot?
if you have more than 200 points than the previous team, you must give them the points you earned from this question
Abraham's Family came to this place.
+ 200 points if correct!
The LORD told Abraham that his descendants would be strangers, mistreated and enslaved, for this many years.
What are 400 years?
When Hagar encountered an Angel of The LORD at this well, this was its name.
What is Beer-lahai-roi?
In Genesis 12, The LORD tells Abraham to get out of these three places.
What is: thy country, from thy kindred, and from thy father's house?
In Genesis 14, this man was the King of Shinar.
Who was Amraphel?
Abraham's seed would inhabit land in these four directions.
Where are North, East, West, and South?
Abraham gave this percent of all he owned to Melchizedek.
What is 10 percent?
The LORD made a covenant with Abraham in this Chapter.
What is Genesis 15?
Abraham found majority of his wealth in these three resources.
What are cattle, silver, and gold?
They saw and commended Sarai before Pharaoh.
Who are the Princes of Pharoah? (Genesis 12:15)
Abraham departed from this place at 75 years old.
Where is Haran?
(what a shame)
These four kings seized all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah and their food, and left.
Who are King Chedorlaomer of Elam, King Tidal of Goiim, King Amraphel of Shinar, and King Arioch of Ellasar
give any amount of points to any team of your choosing!!
Hagar was found by an angel by this place.
Where is a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur?
These people beheld Sarai's fairness in Egypt.
Who are the Egyptians?
(Double Points, Or Steal from another team)
In chapter 13, Abraham built an altar to The LORD and dwelt here.
Where is the Plain of Mamre (Hebron, Caanan)?
Abraham called out this many trained men from his household to pursue the Eastern Kings as far as Dan.
What are 318 trained men?
Hagar was told to name her child Ishmael, for this reason.
What is because The LORD hath heard her affliction?
Hagar was found in this celestial being.
What is an Angel of The LORD?
These people dwelled with the Cannanites in Caanan.
Who are the Perizzites?
Lot dwelled in this place.
Where are the Cities of Plain (to Sodom)?
The LORD told Abraham that his offspring would be as many as this element.
What are stars?
After Abraham dwelt in Canaan this many years, he took a new wife (Hagar); She bore him his first son.
What is 10 years?
only half points for this one... split the 500 points between you and another team of your choosing!
Abraham was this many years old when Ishmael was born.
What is fourscore (80) years?