God told Abraham to take his only son Isaac and go to what region?
to the region of Moriah
5th book of the bible
What did God create on the first day
light in the darkness
What was the sign of the covenant that God will never again destroy the earth by flood?
The rainbow
What tower did men try to build to heaven? (11:1-9)
Tower of Babel
What sacrifice did God tell Abraham to offer him on one of the mountains in the region of Moriah?
20th book of the bible
On what day did God make man?
The 6th day
How did the Lord stop the people from building the tower of Babel?
Changed their languages
Who is called the "father of many nations?" (17:4)
4. Gen. 22:6 - Abraham's son Isaac carried the wood for the sacrifice to God. What did Abraham carry?
the flame and the knife.
56 book of the bible
what did God do on the 7th day
In how many days did God create the world
6 days
To what was Abram's name changed? (17:5)
First book of the bible
shortest book of the bible
Book of Obadiah
what did God use to form Man
dust off the ground
In what image were humans made
What did Sarah do when the men said she would have a son? (18:12)
she laughed!
shortest verse of the bible
" Jesus Wept "
Why did eve and the man hide from God
they were naked and afraid
What question did God first ask when he called for Adam? (3:9)
"Where are you?"
How many children did Abraham have with his new wife? (25:2)