God saw everything He had made and behold, it was _____ _____.
Very good
What command did God give Adam and Eve regarding what they could and could not eat in the garden?
They could eat the fruit of any tree in the garden except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
What is a covenant?
Where partners agree to be bound together in a specific relationship with specific privileges and responsibilities.
What 8 people did God preserve in the ark?
Noah, Noah's wife, Noah's 3 sons (Ham, Shem, Japeth), and their wives.
Describe Jacob's dream. What did the ladder represent?
Angels ascending and descending on a ladder. The ladder represented Jesus.
Who is the only eternal being? (No beginning and no end)
What did God tell Adam and Eve the consequence would be for disobeying Him?
They would surely die
Spiritually they were dead - they were unable to have a relationship with God
God gave Adam the responsibility to obey Him by not eating the forbidden fruit. If he did eat it, he would die. If he obeyed, he would live happily with God forever. What is the name of this covenant?
The Covenant of Works
The blessings of God were dependent on Adam earning them.
Who was Abraham's promised son?
What did God promise Rachel about the twins she was pregnant with?
The older shall serve the younger
What did God create on day 2 that He filled on day 5? What did He fill day 2 with?
Sea, Sky
Birds, fish
How did the serpent tempt Eve?
The serpent made Eve doubt God by questioning His command.
Genesis 3:15 is the first promise of the coming Messiah, One who would Himself restore our broken relationship. What does God tell Adam, Eve, and the serpent? What is this covenant called?
The Covenant of Grace
Who stole his brother's birthright and blessing?
To preserve many lives including those of his family. God is faithful and keeps his promises to Abraham.
ex nihilo
What were the curses placed on Adam, Eve, the serpent, and the Earth?
Adam: labor would be difficult
Eve: pain in childbearing
Serpent: slither on his stomach, eat the dust of the ground
The Earth: the ground would have thorns and thistles and be hard to work
What were the 3 parts of the covenant God established with Abraham?
1) God would make Abraham a great nation
2) God would give them the promised land
3) Abraham would be a blessing to all families
Noah taking shelter in the ark during the flood is a picture of _______.
The Believer taking refuge in Christ from God's anger at sin.
Describe 3 ways in which man is made in the image of God
We have dominion over the earth (we have limited authority over creation)
We are moral creatures - we know right and wrong
We have a will - we can choose to obey God or notWe have the ability to know God
What does it mean that we are made in the image of Adam?
We are all born into sin.
Who was the only One to pass between the cut up animal pieces when God made a covenant with Abraham?
Who was the only person who could keep all the requirements of the covenant in the place of God's people?
Jesus Christ!
The book of Genesis is part of the ___________, which means "5 books".