His name means "dirt" or "of the Earth."
Who is Adam?
He created the the heavens, the world, and everything in them.
Who is God?
God's first command to the animals and humans was to be ______ and multiply.
What is "fruitful"?
Seth was his son.
Who is Adam?
This symbol was a covenantal sign that God would never flood the entire earth again.
What is the rainbow?
Her name means "source of life" or "mother of life."
Who is Eve?
Known as the first murder victim, he was killed by his brother after God refused his brother's offering.
Who is Abel?
God commanded Adam & Eve not to eat from the Tree of the _________ of Good and Evil.
What is "Knowledge"?
Who is Sarah?
This aspect of life "cried out" to God after Abel's death.
What is his blood?
His name means "to produce" or "to acquire."
Who is Cain?
After wrestling with God, his name was changed to "Israel."
Who is Jacob?
God commanded Noah to build a(n) _____ to survive the upcoming deluge.
What is an "ark"?
His offspring resulted in the 12 tribes of Israel.
Who is Jacob/Israel?
As the flood waters receded, the dove brought this back to Noah.
What is an olive leaf?
This name means "the opposer" or "the accuser."
Who is Satan?
He was the son of Abraham.
Who is Isaac?
God commands Abram to step outside and count the _____ to understand how many descendants he would have.
What are the "stars"?
His brothers sold him into slavery.
Who is Joseph?
The people of Babel built this to make a name for themselves.
What is a tower?
His name means "to rest."
Who is Noah?
These three men were the sons of Noah.
Who are Shem, Ham, and Japheth?
What did Jacob demand in his celestial wrestling match?
What is "a blessing"?
Of the 12 brothers/tribes of Israel, he was the youngest.
Who is Benjamin?
Joseph had his palace manager place this in Benjamin's sack to make it look like it was stolen.
What is a silver cup?