God commanded Noah to build this
What is an ark?
The number of pairs of UNCLEAN animals that Noah brings into the ark
What is one pair?
The first bird that Noah sends out of the ark after the forty days
What is a raven?
The punishment for murder in Genesis 9
What is the death penalty?
Ham is the descendant of peoples living here
Where is Northern & Eastern Africa?
This is what the people try to build in Babel
What is a tower that will reach the heavens?
The names of Noah's three sons
What are Shem, Ham, and Japeth?
The number of pairs of CLEAN animals Noah brings into the ark
What is seven pairs?
Noah sent out a bird to see if the waters had gone down at this time
When is after every seven days?
God allows Noah to consume of this for food
What is animal meat?
Japheth is the ancestor of those living here
Where is Europe and Asia?
Abram is a descendant of this son of Noah
Who is Shem?
What is feeling sorry (grieving)?
This many humans enter the ark
What is eight humans?
The second bird that Noah sends out three times
What is a dove?
The sign of God's covenant with Noah
What is a rainbow?
Shem is the ancestor of those who live here
Where is the Arabian Peninsula and Mesopotamia?
God does this to the people of Babel
What is confuse their languages in order to spread them across the earth?
The year limit that God places on humans
What is 120 years?
The number of days and nights that God sent rain upon the earth
What are forty days and nights?
Noahs builds this after exiting the ark
What is an altar?
This is where the Philistines come from
Where is Egypt?
Terah is the grandfather of this person
Who is Lot?
How old is Noah when the flood begins?
How long was Noah on the ark?
1 year
This is what Noah offered to God
What is a burnt offering?
God's covenant with Noah
What is to never destroy the earth by a flood again?
This first warrior/king began his empire in Babel
Who is Nimrod?
The name of Abram's nephew
Who is Lot?