Who was created first Adam or Eve?
Ki moun ki te kreye premye Adan oswa Èv?
Who was the first born son Cain or Abel?
Ki moun ki te premye pitit gason Kayen oswa Abèl?
What instruction did God give Noah?
Ki enstriksyon Bondye te bay Noye?
To build a boat/Ark
Pou konstwi yon bato/Lach
How many brothers did Joseph have?
Konbyen frè Jozèf te genyen?
11 brothers
11 frè
What was Abraham's old name?
Ki ansyen non Abraram?
On the first day of creation what did God do?
Nan premye jou kreyasyon an, ki sa Bondye te fè?
Said for there to be light
Te di pou gen limyè
What happened to Abel at the end?
Sak te pase Abe?
He died
Le te mouri
What did the people who saw Noah building the boat do?
Ki sa moun ki te wè Noye k ap bati bato a te fè?
They mocked/made fun of him
Yo pase l nan betiz/fè l nan betiz
What did Joseph's father gift Joseph?
Kisa papa Jozèf te bay Jozèf?
A coat of many colors / a colorful coat
Yon rad ki gen anpil koulè / yon rad kolore
Who was Abraham married to ?
Ak ki moun Abraram te marye?
What forced Adam and Eve out of the garden?
Ki sa ki te fòse Adan ak Èv soti nan jaden an?
Eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil / disobeying God
Manje fwi konesans sa ki byen ak sa ki mal / dezobeyi Bondye
What happened to Cain?
Kisa ki rive Kayen?
He ran away and God placed a mark on his forehead
Li kouri ale epi Bondye mete yon mak sou fwon li
Who went in the boat?
Ki moun ki te ale nan bato a?
Noah and his family, as well as two of every living animal
Noe ak fanmi li, ansanm ak de nan chak bèt vivan
How did Joseph arrive in Egypt?
Ki jan Jozèf te rive nan peyi Lejip?
He was sold as a slave by his brothers to traveling merchants that took him to Egypt to be sold
Frè l yo te vann li kòm esklav bay machann vwayaje ki te mennen l ann Ejip pou l te vann li
What was God's Promise to Abraham?
Ki pwomès Bondye te fè Abraram?
That his descendants would be numerous as the stars in the sky
Ke desandan li yo ta anpil tankou zetwal yo nan syèl la