The first thing in the creation account
What is Light?
Abraham's First Name
The Wife of Isaac
Who is Rebekah?
Jacob's Mother
Who is Rebekah?
The gift that Jacob Gave Joseph
What is a Coat of many Colors
The amount of Days it took God to make all of creation
What is 6?
The Maidservant of Sarai
Who is Hagar?
The Animal that took Isaac's place on the mountain
What is a Ram?
The wife Jacob loved the most
Who is Rachel?
The man Joseph served in Egypt before Pharaoh.
Who is Potiphar?
The first victim of a murder
Who is Abel?
Abraham's Firstborn Son
Who is Ishmael?
Isaac's Favorite Son
Who is Esau?
Jacob's Brother
One of the two men in prison who had a dream Joseph interpreted and lived
Who is the Cupbearer?
The reason for the great flood
What is Increased corruption and violence?
The reason for Hagar and Ishmael's final removal
What is Ishmael laughing at weaning Isaac?
The Son Isaac blessed
Who is Jacob?
The oldest brother to Joseph
Who is Reuben?
How long did God give Noah to gather the animals after his command?
What is 7 days?
The Nephew of Abraham
Isaac Called his wife this while in the presence of the Philistines
What is his sister?
Who is Rachel?
The number of Tables at the lunch with Joseph and his brothers.
What is Three?