What was the name of the son born to Abraham and Sarah in their old age?
What did Ishmael do that made Sarah want him and Hagar sent away?
He mocked Isaac.
Who was Joseph sold to in Egypt?
Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh.
What did Jacob see in his dream at Bethel?
A ladder reaching from earth to heaven with angels going up and down.
What did Jacob's sons tell him happened to Joseph?
That he was killed by a wild animal.
What did God tell Abraham to do with Isaac as a test of faith?
Sacrifice him on Mount Moriah
What did Esau sell Jacob for a bowl of stew?
His birthright.
What did Potiphar's wife falsely accuse Joseph of?
Trying to attack her.
What did Laban do to trick Jacob when he wanted to marry Rachel?
He gave Leah instead and made him work another seven years for Rachel.
What did Joseph say to his brothers when he revealed his identity?
'You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good'
How did Isaac marry?
How did Jacob deceive Isaac into giving him Esau's blessing?
He wore Esau's clothes and put goat skins on his arms to feel hairy like Esau.
What did Pharaoh's cupbearer dream about?
A vine with three branches that produced grapes for Pharaoh's cup.
How did God change Jacob's name, and what does the new name mean?
He changed it to Israel, meaning 'one who struggles with God'.
How did Pharaoh reward Joseph for his wisdom?
He gave him fine robes, a gold chain, a chariot, and made him ruler over Egypt.
What did God promise Abraham about his descendants?
They would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and would inherit the land of Canaan.
What did Jacob's sons do to their brother Joseph out of jealousy?
They threw him into a pit and sold him to Ishmaelite traders.
What did Pharaoh's dream about seven fat cows and seven skinny cows mean?
Seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine.
What unusual thing happened in Jacob's wrestling match?
He wrestled with God all night, and had his hip dislocated.
Why did Joseph's family move to Egypt?
To survive the famine.
How did Abrahams servant know Rebekah was right for Isaac?
She offered to give water to him and his camels.
What was Joseph's dream that made his brothers hate him even more?
That his brother's sheaves of grain bowed down to his sheaf, and the sun, moon, and stars bowed down to him.
How did Joseph become second-in-command in Egypt?
He interpreted Pharaoh's dream and gave a plan to save Egypt from the famine.
What did Joseph do to test his brothers in Egypt?
He accused them of being spies, kept Simon in prison, and put his silver cup in Benjamin's sack.
Daily Double Points: What was Judah willing to do for Benjamin when Joseph tested them?
What promise did Joseph make his brother's swear before he died?
That they would carry his bones out of Egypt when God brought them back to the promised land.