He was called to "leave" and "go"
Who is Abraham
Definition of POLYTHEISM
What is worship of many gods
Northern river border of Mesopotamia
What is Tigris River
Took Isaac's place on the altar
What is a ram
The moon god
What is Nanna Sin
Who is Sarah
Definition of MONOTHEISM
What is worship of one God
Southern river border of Mesopotamia
What is Euphrates River
The visitors
what are messengers, angels and the Lord
The head of the Sumerian pantheon
Who is Enlil
Who is Ishmael
Southwestern most city-state - two letters
What is Ur
The birds at the cutting of the convenant
What are pigeon and dove
The sun god
Who is Utu
Blessing is "reckoned" through him
Who is Isaac
A Mesopotamian step pyramid leading to temple
City-state along Abraham's route - where he was called
What is Haran
The animals "halved"
What are heifer, goat and ram
The god of the waters
Who is Nammu
Abraham is called by him - no vowels
Who is YHWH
Definition of COVENANT
Solemn binding oath made by passing through pieces of flesh
C - shaped region of abundance
What is Fertile Crescent
Where the offering took place
What is Mt. Moriah
The goddess of fertility
Who is Ninhurshag