The first words God spoke in creation.
"Let There Be Light"
God formed Adam from this.
(Bonus: 300 Points)
(How did God bring Adam to life?)
God told Noah to build this, a means for him and his family to survive the flood.
An Ark.
God later changed Abram's name to this.
The one who murdered his brother.
God made the first animals on this day.
The tree Adam and Eve were told not to eat from.
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil.
(Bonus: 200)
(What is the other named tree in the garden?)
The quantity of each type of animal that accompanied Noah.
(Bonus: Steal 200)
(How many of each "Clean" animal?)
The name of Abraham's younger son, who was the fulfillment of God's promises to Abram.
(Bonus: 300 Points)
(Name Abraham's other son, born from Hagar.)
The one who named all the animals.
Formless, Void
(Bonus 700 Points:)
(What is the Hebrew phrase used here or its direct translation?)
Adam and Eve's first two sons.
Cain & Abel
(Bonus: 300)
(Name the third son God gave to replace Abel.)
*Wager as many points as you'd like to risk. Those points are doubled on a correct answer, but taken away on an incorrect one. You opponents may not steal.*
Name two of Noah's three sons.
Abraham's nephew Lot lived here; angels warned Abraham that this city would be destroyed for its sinfulness.
(Bonus: 200 Points)
(Name its sister city which was also destroyed.)
The one who laughed when God said they'd have a baby.
Abram/Abraham or Sarai/Sarah
(They both did!)
The first thing God created that was made to reproduce after its kind.
(Bonus: 100)
(On which day were plants created?)
When they sinned and realized they were naked, Adam and Eve sewed clothes out of this.
Fig Leaves.
(Bonus: 100 Points)
(What did God make their clothes out of?)
This many humans were on the ark during the flood.
(Noah & wife, 3 Sons and their wives)
God says Abraham's descendants will be more numerous than this uncountable thing.
The stars.
(Gen. 15:5)
The one who "uncovered his father's nakedness".
(Bonus: 300 Points)
(Which of Ham's sons was cursed for this sin?)
Each day of creation concluded with two specific phrases. Name one of those phrases. (Must be spot-on!)
(Bonus: 500 Points)
(Name the other phrase.)
Adam was this old when he died.
(Note: I will accept an answer that is within 50 years of the correct number.)
The first thing Noah did after leaving the ark.
(Genesis 8:20-22)
The king who honored Abram; was called a priest of The Most High God, and who Abram gave a tithe to.
(Bonus: 500)
(What place was Melchizedek king of?)
The one who ruled in Babel and built the tower.