What are problems with proving the historical accuracy of Exodus?
What is the occasion of the writing of Deuteronomy?
Moses' farewell address and instructions
True or False: Joshua is considered to be one of the historical books.
What is the two part division of the book of Joshua?
Conquest and Division
How is it possible for the book of Ruth to just as easily be called the book of Naomi?
She is a central character, Ruth's mother in law.
Dominion over creation, relating with God, and man having intrinsic dignity are all what?
direct implications of bearing God's image
What event at the end of Deuteronomy causes people to question Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch?
the narration of the death of Moses
Approximately how many years does the historical books cover?
800 years
What does the book of Judges tell us about responsibility to the next generation?
Responsibility to pass on their faith and beliefs
What is the three word title for the book of Ruth?
A love story
What three promises make up the Abrahamic covenant?
land, seed, and blessing
What is the geographical movement in the book of Deuteronomy.
No geographical movement
What book gives the basis for the doctrine of retribution (chapter 28 curses and blessings)?
What is significant about the statement, "Everyone did what was right in their own eyes."
Israel had no king or leadership leading to rebellion.
What is the two part division of the book of Ruth?
Her devotion and her reward
What is the purpose of the Tabernacle?
a way for God to live among his people
In what way is the title Deuteronomy (2nd law) not accurate?
Same law, different audience
The Old Testament is largely a narrative of God's relationship with one nation but, it also has a plan for establishing a relationship with who?
all of humankind
What does the book of Judges suggest about the nature of their ruling? Was it consecutive or concurrent leadership?
True or False: Ruth shows her devotion by leaving her people and remains with Naomi.
How does the end of Genesis set the stage for the beginning of Exodus
Israel is in Egypt
What two events provide a "sandwich" or "bookends" for the book of Numbers?
How does the book of Joshua fit into the big picture of the Abrahamic promises?
They are possessing the land promised, and they are blessed with victory.
What is clear about the political structure of Israel at the time of the Judges?
There were regional leaders rather than centralized rule
What is the character transformation of Naomi in the book of Ruth?
She goes from sadness at the loss of her husband to joy of a grandson.