This word means "The process of drawing out the meaning from a text in accordance with the context and discoverable meaning of its author"
What is Exegesis
These are the four (4) MAJOR themes in the Biblical Metanarrative
What are Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation
These were humanity's two (2) appointed tasks
What is
1. to be fruitful and multiply
2. Subdue the earth, and have dominion over it
This son of Adam is the head of "the elect line of Christ"
Who is Seth
These were the ark's dimensions AND would it actually float?
What is 450' L x 75' W x 45' high
and Yes, it would
This word means "When the Holy Spirit works with the Biblical authors to accurately communicate God’s truth."
What is inspired
These are the three hermeneutical questions that we can always ask to make meaning of any scripture passage that we read.
What does this tells us about...
who God is?
how God interacts with humanity?
These are the two (2) ways Adam and Eve rejected God and his word
What is as Complete and Supreme
These are the TWO (2) things God modeled for us that we have to do to deal with sin.
What is
1. acknowledge and accept humanity's sinfulness
2. Grieve it
THIS is what is required of Noah in God's covenant with him
What is trust
Latin, for "out of nothing"
What is ex nihilo
What is
Omnipresent -- Everywhere
Omnipotent -- All powerful
Omniscient -- All knowing
This is the true subject of the story of the “Fall of humanity”
What is wisdom and its source
These are the three (3) people who break the "copy and paste" genealogy pattern
Who are... Seth, Enoch, and Noah
These are the THREE (3) parts to a biblical covenant
What is to establish (1) the basis of a relationship, (2) conditions for that relationship, and (3) promises and consequences if those conditions are unmet.
THIS is the definition of "Infallible"
What is "Being true in all that it affirms"
These are the four (4) steps in making meaning out of the biblical text
What are... Pray for God's direction, ask Exegetical questions, Ask the Hermeneutical questions, and make applications
This was Adam's consequence for his rebellion
What is Work, production, and provision now becomes exceedingly difficult
These are the TWO threads that constantly run through the biblical metanarrative starting in Chapters 3-6.
1. Humanity's continual rejection of God
2. God's continual pursuit of humanity despite their rejection of him
What are...
1. a pair of every kind of animal
2. every kind of food to be eaten
3. It pointed back to the Garden with Adam
This is the definition of biblical inerrancy
What is "Being without error or fault in its original manuscripts"
These are the four (4) things that continually repeat in the cycle of human sin
What are...
1. the Desire for self-sufficiency
2. the Replacement of God
3. the Striving for glory
4. the attempt to control the future rather than following God’s direction
These are the individual consequences for Adam and Eve in their rebellion
Both -- Kicked out of the garden
Eve -- Strained relationships, pain in child bearing, desire for control over spouse
Adam -- Work, production, and provision now becomes exceedingly difficult
THESE are the TWO (2) parts of the theme of "Consummation" AND what they mean
Restoration -- Getting back to God's divine plan for created order
Reconciliation -- the renewal of relationships with God among humanity.
These are the three (3) ways Noah is described in the biblical account AND what each aspect mean
What is...
Righteous – Living in right relationship with God, other people, and creation
Blameless – Those who cannot be accused of wrongdoing before people or God
Walked Faithfully – Being perceptive resilient, and engaged