According to the Meselson-Stahl experiment, this is the type of replication which occurs in DNA.
Semi-conservation replication.
Name the location of DNA transcription.
This initiation codon means START.
Name the type of mutation GUU to AUU.
This term is given to artificial DNA made from mRNA.
Complementary DNA
Name the two purine bases and the three pyrimidine bases.
(Adenine, Guanine ) Purine (Cytosine, Thymine, Uracil) Pyrimidine
This base is unique to RNA.
State the DNA sequence from which the mRNA transcript UGC came.
Additions and Deletions belong to this category of mutations.
Frame-shift mutations.
These cells in the pancreas make insulin.
Beta cells (of the islets of Langerhans)
Name the two enzymes which unwind and unzip DNA before replication.
Topoisomerase and Helicase.
State the complementary base pairs in mRNA.
C-G and A-U
This type of RNA carries amino acids to the ribosome where complementary base pairs are formed with the mRNA template.
This is the most common form of speciation attributed to geographical isolation of species.
Allopatric speciation.
Restriction enzymes only cut DNA at sites which have this characteristic.
Palindromic site
In genetic code, this is the total number of possible ways in which nitrogenous bases can be combined in groups of 3.
This enzyme joins the free nucleotides which have paired with the DNA template together so that the mRNA has its own phosphodiester backbone.
RNA polymerase.
State the original DNA sequence given the tRNA anticodon GUC which paired with the mRNA template.
Describe the biological species concept.
Species are groups of interbreeding natural populations which are reproductively isolated from other groups/ a species is comprised of individuals who can successfully interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
Name the two forms of gene therapy.
Somatic (autosomal) and germ-line therapy
This term describes the condition of the genetic code in which more than one codon can code for an amino acid.
These non-coding portions of mRNA transcript are removed (spliced) before the mRNA leaves the nucleus.
Post- translational modification of proteins occurring before they are fully functional occurs here.
Golgi apparatus.
In this type of selection, pressures act against individuals in the middle of a trait distribution.
Disruptive selection.
EcoR1 is obtained from this bacteria.