Gregor Mendel did this to pea plants to study different characteristics
What is cross polination?
Any change in the DNA sequence that can alter the genetic code.
What is a genetic alteration?
Mendel used T to show the dominant allele for height, meaning tall. He used this letter to show the recessive allele.
What if we use t?
They are alterations in the nucleic acid sequence of the genome of an organism.
What are mutations?
The notation TT or AA to a geneticist means there are this many dominant alleles in a genotype.
What about 2 (two)?
It is a physical, chemical or biological agent that permanently changes genetic material in an organism and increases the frequency of mutations
What is a mutagen?
This is the probability of producing a tall pea plant from a genetic cross between two hybrid tall pea plants
What about 50% (or two in four)?
It is a health problem caused by one or more abnormalities in the genome. It can be caused by a mutation in a single gene (monogenic) or multiple genes (polygenic) or by a chromosome abnormality.
What is a genetic disorder?
Gregor Mendel, in addition to studying pea plants, was this religious leader.
Was he a priest?
The may result from genetic or chromosomal disorders, exposure to certain medications or chemicals, or certain infections during pregnancy.
What causes congenital malformations?