What is See?
What is 旅行(りょこう)?
This い adjective means Small.
What is ちいさい?
You're telling a friend about the flower you saw at the park last week. You say this to say it was beautiful.
What is えいがを見ましょう.
What is Mountain?
What is およぐ?
This な adjective means Fond of/to like.
What is すき(な)?
What is たのしいゲームですか?
You want to invite your friend out to the cafe. Say this.
What is カフェに行きましょうか?
What is Origin?
What is まい?
This い adjective means Good.
What is いい?
When you asked how your weekend was, you remember you did nothing but homework. You say this to say it was boring.
What is つまらなかったです?
You're talking with your friend and they've just noted how hot it is outside.
What is 中に行きましょうか? or
What is およぎましょうか? or
What is アイスクリームを食べましょうか?
What is Me/I/Private?
What is サーフィン?
This い adjective means Busy, but is only used for people/schedules.
What is いそがしい?
Sir Blep helped you study for the test. As a result you would say this to say it was easy.
While hanging out with your friends, you want to hold on to this memory for a long time. Say this before taking a picture.
What is しゃしんをとりましょう?
What is Spirit?
What is いっしょに?
This な adjective means Clean/Beautiful.
What is きれい(な)?
When trying to make plans with your friends, you ask this to find out if they're free tomorrow.
You heard that the festival is going to have a large fireworks show and many food stalls. Say this to invite your friend.
What is まつりに行きましょうか。