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What is a text that provides accurate facts and descriptions about a particular topic

What is Informational text


What is a genre that is created to evoke fear or discomfort for its readers?

What is horror?


What is an example of a book in the Fantasy Genre?

What is Harry Potter (Answer may vary)


What is the genre of this example?

"Once upon a time there lived a poor widow and her son Jack. One day, Jack’s mother told him to sell their only cow. Jack went to the market and on the way he met a man who wanted to buy his cow. Jack asked, 'What will you give me in return for my cow?' The man answered, 'I will give you five magic beans!'"

What is Fairytale/Folklore? Jack and the Beanstalk by Joseph Jacobs. It begins with "Once upon a time..." 


What Genre is this text? 

“Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day
To seek the pale enchanted gold.

The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,
While hammers fell like ringing bells
In places deep, where dark things sleep,
In hollow halls beneath the fells."

What is Fantasy Fiction? The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien


What is a story of a real person's life written by another person?

What is a Biography


What is the genre of a story that may end on a cliffhanger or contains a plot twist?

What is mystery?


What is an example of a book in the Science Fiction Genre?

What is Hunger Games (Answers may vary)


What is the genre of this text? 

“The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed.”

What is Science Fiction? 1984 by George Orwell.


What is the genre of this text? 

"And George saw the clown’s face change.
What he saw then was terrible enough to make his worst imaginings of the thing in the cellar look like sweet dreams; what he saw destroyed his sanity in one clawing stroke." 

What is horror? The author uses words like terrible, worst imaginings, and destroyed. It by Stephan King


What is a record of life specific events written by someone having intimate knowledge of them?

What is Memoirs


What is the genre of a story that reflects life as it could be, but the events are untrue?

What is realistic fiction?


What is a book example of the Realistic Fiction genre?

What is Diary of a Wimpy Kid or Fault in our Stars (Answers may vary)?


What genre is this text? 

"Let me just say for the record that I think middle school is the dumbest idea ever invented. You got kids like me who haven't hit growth spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day.”

What is Realistic Fiction? Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney.


What is the genre of this text? 

"The hare agrees to the race, and a fox acts as judge. The hare starts out ahead, but gets arrogant by making fun of the turtle and takes a nap. The turtle, meanwhile, continues to crawl slowly but steadily, and eventually passes the hare. When the hare wakes up, he realizes he's lost and tries to catch up, but the turtle uses his lungs to blow him away from the finish line. Moral: Slow and steady wins the race

What is a Fable? This is a short story about a hare and a turtle (talking animals) which ends with a moral.


What is a made-up story that takes place during a particular time in the past?

What is historical ficiton?


What is the genre of a story that is based on a real person and is written by that person?

What is Autobiography?


What is a book example of the Historical Fiction genre?

What is Les Mis or Gone with the Wind (Answers may vary)?


What is the genre of this text? 

“Are we going to forget everything, curl up and hide? Live our lives knowing a killer is out there watching us? Or do we fight? Do we find them and punish them for what they’ve done to us? Put them behind bars so they can’t hurt anyone ever again?”

What is Mystery/Thriller? A Good Girls Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson


What is the genre of this text?

“If you wish to understand what Revolution is, call it Progress; and if you wish to understand what Progress is, call it Tomorrow.”

“There is neither a foreign war nor a civil war; there is only just and unjust war.”

What is Historical Fiction? This is a fictional text about the French Revolution. Les Misérables by Victor Hugo


What is a genre that has common themes such as Freedoms being restricted, citizens living in fear of the unknown, and the city is under constant surveillance?

What is Dystopia?


What is the genre of a short story that has personified animals and a moral?

What is a Fable?


What is an example of a book in the Nonfiction genre?

What is Into the Wild (Answers may vary)


What genre is this text? 

"Then the boy heard footsteps move through the kitchen into the dining room, into the living room, into the front hall. Then slowly they climbed the stairs. Closer and closer they came. Soon they were in the upstairs hall. Now they were outside his door. “Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e?” the voice groaned. His door opened. Shaking with fear, he listened as the footsteps slowly moved through the dark toward his bed. Then they stopped. “Where is my to-o-o-o-o-e?” the voice groaned. (At this point, pause. Then jump at the person next to you and shout:) "'YOU’VE GOT IT!'"

What is Horror? The Big Toe: From Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz.


What is the genre for this text? Bonnie and Clyde: The Making of a Legend by Karen Blumenthal

"But what I’m most thinking about, after the inevitable ambush and bloody, bullet-ridden deaths of Bonnie and Clyde, are their families. Throughout the story, we see much of their immediate families and the connections between each outlaw and their parents.  As a parent, I’m left wondering how, along that nature/nurture continuum, did Clyde grow up to be a robber and murderer?"

What is Biography? This is about Bonnie and Clyde, but is written by someone else.
