Lisa made 159 valentines day cards. She gave away 59 on Thursday and 15 on Friday. How many does she have left?
What is 85
What is the adjective in this sentence
"I saw a huge elephant at the zoo."
Does a very describe an action or name a place?
Describe an action
People often eat theres for breakfast. You can eat them scrambled, sunny-side up, or even hard-boiled.
What food is this?
Lisa planted 7 rows of melons, with 3 seeds in each row. How many melons will she grow in all?
What is 21
Find the adjective in the following sentence
"We drove our car over the long bridge on the way to Washington."
"The girl was singing very loudly her classmates felt mad."
Which is the verb in the above sentence?
Tim could not "bear" to let his dog out in the cold weather.
Does the word bear mean:
1) No clothing
2) a animal
3) could not take or stand, could not endure,
3. Can not take, doesn't want to.
A story that is not false, a true event
What is nonfiction?
Lisa has a book with 590 pages. She read 199 pages so far, how many pages does she have left to read?
What is 391
Find the TWO adjective in the following sentence
"The fluffy dog stole the food off of my yellow dinner plate."
Fluffy, Yellow
The pig was playing in the mud.
What is the verb in the above sentence?
What word could fit in both sentences:
1. She was absent yesterday but ___________ today.
2. She gave me a ___________ because it was my birthday.
What is present
A story based on facts and real events
Erica has 450 pencils to pass out to her students. She bought 980 additional pencils. How many pencils does she have?
What is $1,430
Find the two adjectives in the following sentence:
"She wears a beautiful red dress"
beautiful, red
The talented girl rode the horse through the field.
What is the verb in the above sentence
1. There were two pigs living in the _________.
2. You can write with a pencil or __________
Think of a word that would fit in both sentences
What is pen
A story that could not happen that usually has made up creatures such as dragons or magical things that would not really happen, would never be reality
What is Fantasy Fiction
Katie has 350 quarters in her bank at home. She deducted 291 quarters to buy her favorite toy. How many quarters does she have now?
What is 59
Find the three adjectives in the following sentence:
The nervous girl picked a sharp pencil to start taking her difficult math exam.
nervous, sharp, difficult
She wrote three paragraphs for her paper.
What is the verb in the above sentence
What one word would fit in both sentences?
1. The __________ on the tree feels very rough.
2. I hope the dog does not ___________ all night long.