The details of a realistic fiction story could/could not happen in real life.
How is fantasy different from realistic fiction?
Some details of the story could not happen in real life.
What is the recipe for historical fiction?
History + fiction = historical fiction
What is a word you might read again and again in a mystery?
clue, sleuth, mystery, etc.
What are some possible ingredients of science fiction.
science, technology of the future, outer space, aliens, etc.
Name a realistic fiction book.
Billy Miller makes a Wish
The Loser's Club
Front Desk
Name a fantasy book.
George's Marvelous Medicine
The Littlest Bigfoot
Name a historical fiction story or series.
I Survived...
Describe how mysteries go?
Something happens that cannot be explained. The characters use clues to solve the problem.
Name a science fiction book.
A Wrinkle in Time, Aliens for Breakfast
Give an example of a setting in a realistic fiction story.
Beach, school, playground, at home
Describe a character that might be in a fantasy story.
magical powers, can fly, animals can talk
Name a historical event that might be in a historical fiction story.
Any historical event
Name a mystery book or series.
39 clues
Describe a science fiction and fantasy fiction story combined.
How is realistic fiction different from other genres of fiction?
The setting, characters, problem, and solution in the story are realistic and could happen in real life.
How is fantasy fiction different from realistic fiction?
The setting, characters, problem, and solution of the story might be magical in fantasy fiction, but not in realistic fiction.
Name an author who writes historical fiction
Lauren Tarshis, Rita Garcia Williams, etc.
What is a sleuth?
A person who solves mysteries
Science fiction, fantasy or both?
Name two realistic fiction series of books.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dork Diaries, Billy Miller, Ways to Make Sunshine, Front Desk, etc.
Name an author who writes fantasy fiction.
Roald Dahl
Make up a historical fiction story using the recipe.
History + fiction = historical fiction
Name a television show that solves mysteries.
Scooby Doo, Pink Panther, Cam Jansen, etc.
Make up a science fiction story.
science, technology of the future, aliens, outer space + fiction = science fiction