The neighborhood that we are currently reviewing
Name one reason why many Chinese immigrants came to the United States
Better opportunities, freedom, and escaping from their government
What is the name of the park nearest to Chinatown?
Columbus park
Describe negative or bad things about gentrification
Answers may vary but not limited:
People have to move, losing original culture, higher prices in rent, food, services, etc., less diversity, displacement of local businesses,
How is Chinatown still alive?
When is the Lunar New Year? (2025 edition)
January 29th
Describe a positive or good thing about gentrification
Answers can vary but not limited:
New people, new buildings, new community, safer places, more jobs, better homes,
What is the main reason that Chinatown exists? (Hint: starts with the letter "I").
N, Q, R, W, 4, 6, J, Z, B, M
What is gentrification?
Displacement, moving, renovating, deleting
What were the main type of jobs found in Chinatown?
Laundrymen, cigar shops, tea shops, and restaurants
Which European groups used to live in Chinatown before they moved out?
Italians, Irish and Jewish people.
What was the name of the disease that affected Chinatown four years ago? How can you relate this disease with gentrification? (Hint: think about Storm Sandy and how).
COVID-19 and this disease is related with gentrification because local businesses had to shut down and corporations began to buy the empty buildings to build new ones and displace local businesses and residents.
What are the nearest neighborhoods to Chinatown?
Tribeca, Little Italy, Lower East Side, etc.
What is the name of the only museum located in Chinatown
Museum of Chinese America