What are the names of the four mutant teenage ninja turtles who loooooove Pizza
Donatello Michelangelo Raphael and Leonardo
according to Phineas and Ferb how many days are there of summer vacation
what's the capital
in what film series would you find Katniss Everdeen played by Jennifer Lawrence
The Hunger Games
In Greek Mythology who flew to close to the sun with wings made of wax
in what show do two twins are forced to spend the summer in a small town in Oregon where mysterious and unexplainable things frequently happen with their Grunkle Stan
Gravity Falls
Where is the Junk food capital of the world
Pennsylvania(Hanover, York County)
In What movie would you hear King Louie sing "I wanna be like you".
The Jungle Book
What is the only letter in the english alphabet that does NOT appear as a silent letter in any word
what food was made by mistake at the Toll House in the 1930s
Chocolate chip cookies
these rubber band bracelets came in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. they could be in the shape of animals cartoon characters or food.
Silly bandz
Former President Joe Biden was born in P.A who was the other president
James Buchanan
In the Movie Mulan, what do the two weights that Mulan uses to scale the tall pole represent
Strength and Discipline
Where is Princess Daisy from
what is the most commonly stolen grocery store item
fun fact 4% of the worlds cheese is stolen
what year did angry birds come out
P.A state flower
Mountain Laurel
Guardian of the galaxy 1 2 3 and The Suicide Squad are all directed by which director
Based on an amalgamation of unique attributes, that make you S.P.E.C.I.A.L. In the acronym what does P stand for?
in the traditional middle eastern dish Falafel what is typicl the primary ingredient
better known as human hamster balls these large plastic spheres can hold whole human inside. use for running around or bumping into friends
zorb ball
What is the state motto
Virtue, Liberty and Independence
If Tommy Lee Jones's character from The Men in Black appeared as an element on the periodic table what element would he be
Agent K would be Pottasium
in 1954 this company released thier product with the slogan Double your pleasure, Double your Fun
Wrigleys Double mint Gum