Need and want
Something found in nature that people find useful or valuable
Ecological footprint
The calculation of what natural resources are needed to support someones daily living on earth.
How can we reduce the impact of e-waste on human and natural environment
Instead of throwing away a computer, phone or iPad etc. into a garbage, you can tease it to a place wheee they will recycle it.
topic of this quiz : environment
3 examples of a natural resource
fruit, fish, clean air, trees, copper
Flow resource
A resource such as running water, or wind that is used and replaced simultaneously it will never end.
ex, water, wind, sunlight
The result of an annual evaluation of countries made by looking at the expectancy, income, and literacy.
Change in population over time
As the population grows, so does our natural resources. The global population has risen from 3 billion to 8 billion in 2011.
3 types of natural resources
non- renweablerenewable
Example of flow resource
Renewable resource
A resource such as forests, and fish that can be replaced by natural enviromental processes unless badly manages
ex, fish, clean air, soil, trees
Seven generations
Emphazes decisions that consider the impact on future generations, connecting People, land, and resources
Changing needs of people
The needs of people used to primarily just be food , shelter, and shelter, now there are way more needs like education, and healthcare.
Need and a want
Needs are something that people do need to survive, wants are things that a person would like but is also not needed to survive
Examples of non renewable resource
Minerals, fossil fuels, oil, natural gas
Non renewable resource
A resource such as fossil fuels that exist infinite amounts, when it runs out it cannot come back
ex, water, wind, sunlight
What connection can be made between the human development index and ecological footprints
The hdi measures how well people live while the ecological footprints measure how much of the earths resources we use.
What factors influence our needs or wants
Some factors that influence our needs or wants could be income occupations, cultural factors, social factors, and friends/family
a difference between a need and a want is that a need is needed to survive and a want is nit
Examples of renewable resource
plants, trees, soil, fish, forests
Natural resource (+3 examples)
Something found in nature that people find useful or valuable, such as trees, fruit, fish, trees, clean air, copper
how would you needs and wants change if you lived in a different time or place.
if you lived in a less fortunate country or family you would want things that you need in order to survive like water, food, shelter, healthcare etc. if you lived in a more fortunate country or family you would likely want things that you don’t need in order to survive because you can afford it.
What can humans do to help conserve natural resources
Using flow resources to generate electricity reduces need to use fossil fuels.
walking or riding your bike result in fewer emissions that are marking the atmosphere
using less water results less energy use.
Examples of how we can reduce the impact of e-waste on human and natural environment
sell old electronics
recycle and dispose e-waste properly
maintain your electronics
5 examples of a need
5 examples of a want
Need- food, water, air, money, shelter
want- makeup, skincare, pet, nails, designer clothes, etc.