Mercator who?
stuff moving
landformy stuff
basiny questions
more with moving water
In Penticton, the magnetic declination is what direction from true north?
What is east
What is the velocity of a debris flow that travels 4km in 30 min.
What is v=d/t = 4km/0.5hr = 8 km/hr
name a glacial landform that is made up of sorted materials
What is esker
Hortons Law of Stream numbers states:
What is the number of streams in a basin decreases geometrically with increasing stream order
What is the wavelength (m) of a wave with a velocity of 16 km/hr and a period of 12 s. Use the correct units
What is 53m
a slope rises 2m in elevation over a distance of 0.1 km. Calculate the fractional slope
What is rise/run = 2m/0.1km = 2m/100m = 0.02
What causes a lahar?
What is melting of snow/ice due to volcanic activity, leads to flood/debris flow
Provide 4 things to look for when trying to identify objects/features on aerial photos
shape size tone/colour pattern shadow topographic location texture
What happens to wave height and wave length as a wave moves from deeper to shallow water?
What is increase height, wavelength decreases
A round basin has 4 streams with lengths of 0.75, 1.3, 1.9 and 0.55 km. The diameter of the basin is 2000 m. What is the drainage density (include units)?
What is 1.43 km/km2
calculate the map scale where a measurement of 3.5 cm on a map is equivalent to a distance of 1200m on Earth's surface.
What is 1:34,286
Why can an earthquake with a given richter magnitude have variable values for mercalli intensity
What is intensity is determined by damage, so different geological settings or amounts and types of development will have different damages
The name of a glacier flowing out of a valley onto a plain
What is piedmont glacier, looks like an alluvial fan
This term refers to the total volume of sediment that can be carried by a stream.
What is stream capacity
What is the elongation ratio for a perfectly round basin?
What is 1
a slope rises 2m in elevation over a distance of 0.1 km. Calculate the slope angle
What is 1.15 degree tanT=rise/run, T=tan-1(rise/run)=tan-1(0.02)=1.15 degrees
A cross section with a horizontal scale of 1:50,000 and a vertical scale of 1:500 has what vertical exageration?
What is VE = 50,000/500 = 500
Name two glacial depositional landforms and two glacial erosional landforms
What is Todd will decide
What does a hydrograph show?
What is dischage vs/ time - changes in streamflow over time
What is the velocity of a wave with a wavelength of 14,000 mm and period of 0.001 hr. Use units of m/s.
What is 3.8 m/s
when contour lines cross stream channels, they point in what direction?
What is upstream
If Tofino has received 7 earthquakes of M 4.5 or greater over the past 1300 years, what is the average return period interval for earthquakes of this size in this region.
What is 185.7 yrs
A watershed has a maximum elevation of 1350m and a minimum elevation of 275m and a length of the longest axis of 4.3 km. What is the relief ratio?
What is 0.25
A basin has 13 first order streams, 4 second order streams, 2 third order streams and 1 fourth order stream. What is the mean bifurcation ratio?
What is 2.42
True or False: An ice cap is larger than an ice sheet?
What is FALSE