Human-Env't Relations
Climate Change

Of the 4 C’s of diamonds, this C is considered the most important in determining value.

What is Carat?


This type of resource is inexhaustible on a human time scale.

What is perpetual?


The Mississippi River is this type of fluvial landform.

What is a meandering river/stream?


This climate change policy approach tries to find solutions to climate change impacts, like developing drought-resistant crops.

What is adaptation?


The four major areas of population geography.

What are distribution, density, composition, and dynamics?


This famous diamond cartel was formed in 1888 by Cecil Rhodes, and maintained its monopoly on the global diamond market until the 1990s.

What is De Beers?


Oil would be considered this type of resource because it is deemed necessary for human life by the particular society in which it is used.

What is essential?


This type of fluvial landform is created by the deposition of sediment that is carried by a river and enters slower-moving or stagnant water.

What is a river delta?


This kind of climate change policy tries to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, such as switching to renewable energy sources.

What is mitigation?


In the I=PAT equation, these two variables mediate the influence of population when considering social impacts on the environment.

What are affluence and technology?


Diamonds are formed in this part of Earth’s subsurface.

What is the lower mantle?


A tool used to measure an individual or household’s environmental impact, estimated as the amount of space on Earth’s surface required to sustain their lifestyle.

What is ecological footprint?


Clastic sedimentary rock is formed through these three processes, which also form part of the hydrologic cycle.

What is erosion, transportation, and deposition?


A community’s ability or potential to respond successfully to climate variability and change.

What is adaptive capacity?


This point of view argues that there is a limited number of resources on the Earth that is not enough to sustain the growing human population.

What is (neo-) Malthusianism?


The volcanic pipes which transport diamonds to/near Earth’s surface and the type of igneous rock in which diamonds are found share this name.

What is kimberlite?


The process in which a state establishes and maintains domination over a separate society in order to exploit their resources, and arguably been the most influential process to shape the modern world system.

What is colonialism?


The variable determining a streamflow’s sediment load.

What is streamflow energy/velocity?


This type of climate change impact changes ocean chemistry as oceans absorb increased CO2 from the atmosphere, causing the calcium carbonate in marine organisms’ shells to dissolve.

What is ocean acidification?


This measure of population density is considered more nuanced and more accurate than simply dividing the number of people by the total area.

What is physiologic density?


This legendary diamond was stolen by the British from India in the mid-1800s, and is now part of England’s crown jewels.

What is the Koh-i-Noor?


This theoretical concept fits the description of “Nature” not as a physical domain that exists independently of humans, but an invention of society which reflects different ideologies, philosophies and beliefs.

What is social construction / the Human-Nature Divide?


Engineering the Mississippi River via artificial levees and channelization increased New Orleans’ vulnerability to flooding in these two key ways.

What is 1) land subsidence and 2) wetland loss/erosion?


Climate change increases the likelihood of these types of events which shock or disrupt an ecological system, leading either to system recovery or into a new state.

What is disturbance?


Bangladesh has been industrializing for several decades; after experiencing rapid population growth in the 1960s and 1970s, the country’s total fertility rate has dropped tremendously. Bangladesh is likely experiencing this stage of the Demographic Transition Model.

What is Stage 3/Mature Industrial/Slowing Population Growth?
