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Urban Life

This theory of urban politics argues that growth is the objective that unites diverse interests (multiple actors and organizations) in relation to a city.

What is a growth machine?


This book was a fictional account of the terrible labor conditions focused on an immigrant from Lithuania

What is The Jungle?

The Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed in this year.

What is 1943?


This is what Simmel said is the main difference between metropolis and rural life

What is money economy?


This person, a chemist, fought against the increasing practice of putting chemicals in food during the late 19th and early 20th century

Who is Harvey Wiley?


This term is used to describe an extreme, intense fear and dislike of customs, cultures, and people considered strange, unusual, or unknown.

What is xenophobia?


This term is used to describe the sociohistorical process by which racial identities are created, lived out, transformed, and destroyed.

What is racial formation?


This was the first year people could check multiple boxes on the US Census.

What is the year 2000?

This is what Simmel describes as the barrier between individual and metropolis that is imposed in order to function in the city

What is blasé?


This person designed the grounds of New York City's Central Park

Who is Frederick Law Olmsted?


This is what Omi & Winant describe as an effort to organize and distribute resources along particular racial lines.

What is a racial project?

These were apartments, sometimes attics, and even basements subdivided into smaller individual living quarters.

What are kitchenettes?


The Inspection Act of this year prevented bad or mislabeled meat from entering the marketplace

What is 1906?


Before Central Park was created, this area was the site of what is now the Park’s perimeter from West 82nd to West 89th Street

What is Seneca Village?


In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act and this man signed it into law.

Who is President Chester Arthur?


In cities, this term is used to describe people who lure investment capital, industry, and residents to the city in an effort to encourage and sustain economic development.

What is a(n urban) booster?


Michael Omi and Howard Winant use this word to describe the extension of racial meaning to a previously racially unclassified relationship, social practice, or group.

What is racialization?


This Immigration Act mandated the exclusion of people suffering from a “loathsome or dangerous contagious disease”

What is the Immigration Act of 1891?


This historical site opened in 1892 as an immigration station

What is Ellis Island?


The book, Racial Formation in the United States, was written by these two authors.

Who are Michael Omi and Howard Winant?


This term describes something that creates or reproduces structures of domination based on racial significations and identities.

What is a racist project?


These individuals, often white real estate salesmen, typically worked through Black sub-agents to frighten white property owners into selling out quickly.

What are "block busters"?


During this year, Congress enacted the Page Law to ban the entry of Chinese women.

What is 1875?


This was made for the “modern woman,” instructed women on strategies for cooking meals in a small cooking space, while offering tips on how to entertain guests and even serve large meals.

What is The Kitchenette Cookbook?


According to the Solnit reading, there are only 5 statues of named women in NYC: Joan of Arc, Golda Meir, Gertrude Stein, Eleanor Roosevelt, and this woman.

Who is Harriet Tubman?
