What is montaña in English?
What is a mountain?
A high landform with steep sides
What is a relief?
The terrain of the earth shown on maps.
What relief is formed by particles of rock that were worn down by wind and deposited?
Sand dunes
What is cabo in English?
What is a peninsula?
An area of land that is almost entirely surrounded by water.
How are the earths reliefs formed?
Through tech tonic plates shifting and erosion.
What is a canyon and how water affect it?
A canyon is a narrow passage between two mountains through which a river runs. The water erodes at the sides of the canyon.
What is llanura in English?
What is an island?
An area of land entirely surrounded by water.
What are tectonic plates?
A section of the earths crust that is constantly moving due to internal forces of the earth.
Can humans change the relief? How?
Yes, humans can change reliefs. This can happen through construction or the expansion of farmland.
What is plataforma continental in English?
Continental shelf
What is a mid ocean ridge?
A long mountain ridge that is found on an abyssal plain.
What is erosion?
Rocks and soil are broken up and moved by external agents.
What is an earthquake ? Do they affect the relief?
A violent movement of the earths crust. Yes, they can change the earths relief.
What is llanura abisal in English ?
Abyssal Plain
What is an isthmus?
A strip of land connecting a peninsula to a continent.
What are some external agents the can modify the relief?
Temperature, wind, water, and living things.
What is a tsunami?
A series of giant waves caused by an earthquake or volcanic activity on the ocean floor.