Basics of Geography
(all topics)
Latitude and
Scale conversion


Define the solar system.(define fully with the terms Mrs.Dunn said we must include)

  • The solar system is the sun and the many objects that orbit it. These objects include eight planets, at least five dwarf planets and countless asteroids, meteoroids and comets.


A person who interprets spatial data using software.

What is an GIS Analyst?


Where do the lines of longitude meet?

What is the North and South poles?


David is standing at 41 degrees North Latitude and -0.3 degrees west longitude whereas Suzanna is standing at -1 degrees south and 18 degrees west. The distance between them is 6.47m on a map. Following 1m = 37km, what is the real distance in decameters?👌🤣

What is 23,939 decameters?


Which map shows elevation or height with the use of contour lines and/or shading and show landforms and  coastal features?

What is a Topographic Map?


This planet has the largest volcano and 1/3 of Earth's gravity.

What is Mars?


Why is Geography important? Name at least 7 reasons.

You will lose marks if you do not.

Geography is important because:

1. It teaches us about the Physical Environment 

2. It teaches us about a Country

3.It helps with carrying out daily activities 

4. It teaches is about a community and how we should we interact with it and the environment.

5. It helps us understand hazards of the natural environment.

6.Geography helps us to understand Geographical enquirer and field work.

7. it helps us work with maps and images.

8.Geography promotes numeracy.

9. Geography helps us understand (ICT)

10. Geography teaches citizenship.


What is the maximum degrees for lines of Latitude?

a) 90 degrees

b) 180 degrees

c)225 degrees

d) 270 degrees

What is a) 90 degrees?😁


The scale distance between Jamaica and St.Lucia is 17m. If you should follow that 1m = 80km. What is the real distance between the two countries?

What is 1,360km?


Susie wants to draw a map to show the administrative divisions in Barbados so she looks in her atlas for this type of map.

What is a Political Map?


Which planet has the original name, “Roman God of Farming”?

What is Saturn?


Physical Geography includes:

I) Study of natural features

II) Hydrology and Geology

III) Study of people

IV) Population and Economic Geography

Select one:

I and II only


What is the main line of Longitude and where does it meet the Equator?

The main line of longitude is the Prime Meridian/Greenwich Meridian and it meets the equator at 0 degrees, 0 degrees or you could say Null Island.


If the scale length is 87cm, following 1cm = 13km.

What is the real length in meters?🤣

What is 1,131,000 meters?


The title of a map should only tell the name of the place. True or False.



Which planet has a revolution time of 165 years?

What is Neptune?


True or False. Political Geography refers to the study of how humans use the earth’s resources.



Name the 5 main lines of Latitude and their degrees.

Tropic of Cancer- 23 1/2 or 23.5 degrees north 

Artic Circle- 66 1/2 or 66.5 degrees north

Equator- 0 degrees 

Tropic of Capricorn- 23 1/2 or 23.5 degrees south

Antartic Circle- 66 1/2 or 66.5 degrees south


If the scale length is 35m, following 1m = 65km. What is the real length?

What is 2,275km?


Explain one difference between maps and aerial photographs.

1.Currency – They provide a more current pictorial view of the ground than maps


2. Preparation time – They can be obtained more quickly. An aerial photograph may take a few hours to prepare while maps may take a few months to prepare.

3. Interpretation/reading – Ground features are difficult to identify or interpret on an aerial photograph. However, maps have symbols, abbreviations and keys which makes it easier to read and interpret them.


Which planet has 53 moons and light yellow in color?

What is 🪐 Saturn?


Match the heading below with the correct themes.



b) human-environmental interaction 


What is c)Region?


What are the lines of latitude and longitude?

a)imaginary lines that intersect at the equator and prime meridian and are measured in degrees.

b) imaginary lines that divide the earth and are measured in degrees.

c) imaginary lines that are measured east or west of the equator and north or south of the Prime meridian which are measured in degrees.

d)none of the above

What is b)?🥳🤩


Which lines of latitude and longitude cuts the earth in half perfectly?

The equator and the prime meridian.😒🥶🤯


Name 9 types of maps. If you don’t you will lose points.

Physical/Relief Map, Political Maps, Population Map, Climate Map, Land-use Map, Topographic Map, Economic/Resource Map, Geological Map and Road Map.
