It explains what the entire map is about. (it's topic)
What is the TITLE?
Shows CARDINAL directions on a map (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST) and INTERMEDIATE directions (NE, SE, NW, SW)
What two pieces of information does a COMPASS ROSE give?
What is the main advantage of the Goode's Homolisine Map Projection?
It shows the correct size and shape of the continents.
Cardinal directions
What are North, East, South, West?
If you travel west across the International Date line, do you gain a day or lose a day?
You gain a day.
Some countries use half hour time zones. True or False?
The imaginary latitude line at 23.5 degrees North.
Tropic of Cancer.
Which map projection uses parallel longitude lines and distorts size?
True or False? The map coordinates of Thessaloniki Greece are 41 N, 23 W.