The Two Ivans
Peter the Great
Catherine the Great

The Vikings came to Russia from this region.

What was Scandinavia?


This group of people invaded Russia from the East and sacked the city of Kiev.

Who were the Mongols?


This ruler drove the Tartars out of the country and became the first czar of a unified Russia.

Who was Ivan the Great (Ivan III)?


Czar Peter the Great couldn't travel through Europe in disguise because of this.

What was his unusual height? -nearly 7 ft. tall


Catherine the Great was born in this country.

What is Germany?


These people were the first ethnic group to live in the area now known as Russia. They had to pay tribute to the Vikings.

Who were the Slavs?


This geographical feature is a grassland plain. Its presence made it easier for enemies to invade Russia.

What is the steppe?


These rich, Russian landowners helped install Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV) as Holy Czar of Russia in 1547.

Who are the boyars?


Peter the Great made a law that Russian men had to do this or pay a tax.

What is shave their beards?


Catherine the Great considered freeing these people, but decided against it because she thought it would ruin the Russian economy.

Who were the serfs?


The idea of Christianity came to Russia from this nearby empire.

What is the Byzantine Empire?


These mountains are nothing more than hills. It was easy for invaders to cross them and attack Russian cities.

What are the Ural Mountains? 


Ivan the Great (Ivan III) dressed as if he were a god. He appeared in robes woven from gold threads and lined with expensive fur. His life was a stark contrast to the life of these peasants who weren't free & were required to work for the lord of their manors.

Who were the serfs?


Peter the Great built this city, called the "Window on the West", in a European style.

What is St. Petersburg?


Catherine the Great became the empress of Russia after the overthrow and death of this person.

Who was her husband, Czar Peter III?


This person was Russia's first Christian and first woman ruler.

Who was Princess Olga?


Because its geography left Russia vulnerable, most larger cities had this type of central, walled fortress to protect them. The rulers of a city usually lived inside these fortresses.

What is a kremlin?


This crazy & ruthless czar ordered the building of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. When its architect said that he'd be able to build another masterpiece like St. Basil's, this czar blinded him.

Who was Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV)?


Peter the Great instituted many reforms to make Russia more like Europe. One such reform was to adopt this western calendar which numbered the years from the birth of Jesus.

What is the Gregorian Calendar?


Catherine helped Russia get this warm-water port on the Black Sea after defeating the Turks.

What is Odessa?


This ruler shared a belief in Christianity with his grandmother. He insisted that Orthodox Christianity become the OFFICIAL religion of Russia.

Who was Prince Vladimir?


This group was made up of a blend of Mongol & Turkic tribes, and ruled Russia after the Mongols left. Grand Prince Ivan I was on good terms with them because he was good at making sure people paid tribute to them.

Who were the Tartars?


Ivan the Great (Ivan III) ordered the construction of this fortress to serve as a grand symbol of his growing might and power.

What was the Moscow Kremlin?


Peter was very powerful, and even decided to call himself “Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia”. The one thing that he was unable to accomplish, despite all of his power, was the creation of this type of port.

What was a warm-water port?


Catherine the Great offered this to the children of rich Russians. Children of the serfs did not receive it.

What is a free education?
